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Graphy Asset Setup#

Add Graphy from Asset Store#

1) Go to Unity Asset Store and add Graphy to personal assets.

Graphy Asset Store link:


Add Graphy to the Unity Editor#

1) Open up the Unity Editor. - Open up a temporary new scene by File -> New Scene -> Empty(Built-in) -> Create - This is due to a bug with Unity crashing on certain Linux configurations. - Once the package is imported, you can open up the desired scene. 2) Go to the Window menu and select Package Manager. 3) Make sure the My Assets tab is selected from the top left of the Package Manager window. 4) Find & select the Graphy from the list and click Download or Import from the bottom left of the Package Manager window. 5) There will be a popup window showing contents of the package. Click Import to add Graphy to the project.

After the import is complete, you should be able to see Graphy prefab in the Hierarchy window of the AutowareSimulation scene. If it's missing you can add it to scene by following steps below.

Integrating Graphy into custom scenes#

Graphy is pre-integrated within the AutowareSimulation scene. To incorporate Graphy into your own custom scenes, please adhere to the following steps:

1) Go to the Assets folder in the Project window. 2) Open Graphy > Prefab folder. 3) Drag the Graphy prefab into the scene. 4) You can customize your Graphy by selecting the Graphy prefab in the scene and changing the settings in the inspector window.

Unity Package manager:


Graphy Github page:


Graphy Documentation:
