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Hotkey List#

Vehicle Controller#

Key Feature
W / Up Arrow Forward.
S / Down Arrow Brake & Reverse.
A / Left Arrow Steer Left.
D / Right Arrow Steer Right.
Space Handbrake.
Left Shift / Left Ctrl Change Gear +/-.
R Reverse Gear.
N Neutral Gear.
P Park Gear.
Left Alt Change Gear Mode.


Key Feature
1 Signal: Left.
2 Signal: Right.
3 Signal: Hazard.
4 Signal: Off.

Camera Controller#

Key Feature
C Toggle camera mode.
Mouse Drag Camera rotation (in certain modes).
Mouse Wheel +/- Camera zoom (in certain modes)
F1 Camera Mode: Driver View.
F2 Camera Mode: Smooth Follow.
F3 Camera Mode: Orbit.
F4 Camera Mode: Look At.


Key Feature
Esc Toggle side bar
LeftCtrl + R Reset ego vehicle
LeftCtrl + T Toggle traffic visibility


Key Feature
B Toggle BEV camera
WASD / Arrow Keys Pan BEV camera
Mouse Wheel + Drag Pan BEV camera
Mouse Wheel Zoom in/out
Space Snap camera to vehicle
LeftCtrl + Space Follow ego vehicle on/off

Graphy Asset#

Key Feature
F3 Toggle Graphy Visualizer


Key Feature
F12 Go back to load scene / Reload.