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Add a custom ROS2 message#

If you want to use custom message in AWSIM, you need to generate the appropriate files, to do this you have to build ROS2ForUnity yourself - please follow the steps below. Remember to start with prerequisities though.

ROS2ForUnity role

For a better understanding of the role of ROS2ForUnity and the messages used, we encourage you to read this section.


In order to simplify this tutorial, the name of the package containing the custom message is assumed to be custom_msgs - remember to replace it with the name of your package.


ROS2ForUnity depends on a ros2cs - a C# .NET library for ROS2.
This library is already included so you don't need to install it, but there are a few prerequisites that must be resolved first.

Please select your system and resolve all prerequisites:

  • ros2cs prerequisites for Ubuntu
  • ROS2 version is humble and is located in /opt/ros/humble
  • Your package with custom message is located in the home directory ~/custom_msgs or is hosted on git repository.
  • Shell - commands have to be executed from the bash shell
  • ROS2 version is humble and is located in C:\ros2_humble
  • Your package with custom message package is located in the home directory C:\custom_msgs or is hosted on git repository.
  • Shell - commands should be executed from the powershell shell

1. Workspace preparation#

  1. Clone ROS2ForUnity repository by execute command:

    git clone ~/


    The cloned ROS 2 For Unity repository must be located in the home directory ~/.

    git clone /C


    The cloned ROS 2 For Unity repository must be located in the home directory C:\.

  2. Pull dependent repositories by execute commands:

    cd ~/ros2-for-unity
    . /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
    cd C:\ros2-for-unity

2. Setup custom_msgs package#

The method to add a custom package to build depends on where it is located. The package can be on your local machine or just be hosted on a git repository.
Please, choose the appropriate option and follow the instructions.

2.1. Package contained on local machine#

  1. Copy the custom_msgs package with custom message to the folder to src/ros2cs/custom_messages directory

    cp -r ~/custom_msgs ~/ros2-for-unity/src/ros2cs/custom_messages/
    Copy-Item 'C:\custom_msgs' -Destination 'C:\ros2-for-unity\src\custom_messages'

2.2. Package hosted on git repository#

  1. Open ros2-for-unity/ros2_for_unity_custom_messages.repos file in editor.
  2. Modify the contents of the file shown below, uncomment and set:

    • <package_name> - to your package name - so in this case custom_msgs,
    • <repo_url> - to repository address,
    • <repo_branch> - to desired branch.
      #  src/ros2cs/custom_messages/<package_name>:
      #    type: git
      #    url: <repo_url>
      #    version: <repo_branch>


    Below is an example of a file configured to pull 2 packages (custom_msgs,autoware_auto_msgs) of messages hosted on a git repository.

    # NOTE: Use this file if you want to build with custom messages that reside in a separate remote repo.
    # NOTE: use the following format
            type: git
            version: main
            type: git
            version: tier4/main
  3. Now pull the repositories again (also the custom_msgs package repository)

    cd ~/ros2-for-unity
    cd C:\ros2-for-unity

3. Build ROS 2 For Unity#

Build ROS2ForUnity with custom message packages using the following commands:

cd ~/ros2-for-unity
./ --standalone
cd C:\ros2-for-unity
.\build.ps1 -standalone

4. Install custom_msgs to AWSIM#

New ROS2ForUnity build, which you just made in step 3, contains multiple libraries that already exist in the AWSIM.
To install custom_msgs and not copy all other unnecessary files, you should get the custom_msgs related libraries only.

You can find them in following directories and simply copy to the analogous directories in AWSIM/Assets/Ros2ForUnity folder, or use the script described here.

  • ros2-for-unity/install/asset/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins which names matches custom_msgs_*
  • ros2-for-unity/install/asset/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/Linux/x86_64/ which names matches libcustom_msgs_*
  • ros2-for-unity/install/asset/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins which names matches custom_msgs_*
  • ros2-for-unity/install/asset/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/Windows/x86_64/ which names matches custom_msgs_*

Automation of copying message files#

To automate the process, you can use a script that copies all files related to your custom_msgs package.

  1. Create a file named in directory ~/ros2-for-unity/ and paste the following content into it.
    echo "AWSIM_DIR_PATH: $2"
    find ./install/asset/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins -maxdepth 1 -name "$1*"    -type f -exec cp {} $2/Assets/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins \;
    find ./install/asset/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/Linux/x86_64 -maxdepth 1 -name     "lib$1*" -type f -exec cp {} $2/Assets/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/Linux/x86_64 \;
  2. Save the file and give it executable rights with the command:
    chmod a+x
  3. Run the script with two arguments:
  • <CUSTOM_MSGS_PACKAGE_NAME> - the first one which is the name of the package with messages - in this case custom_msgs,
  • <AWSIM_DIR_PATH> - the second which is the path to the cloned AWSIM repository.


./ custom_msgs ~/unity/AWSIM/

To automate the process, you can use these commands with changed:

  • <CUSTOM_MSGS_PACKAGE_NAME> - the name of your package with messages - in this case custom_msgs,
  • <AWSIM_DIR_PATH> - to path to the cloned AWSIM repository
    Get-ChildItem C:\ros2-for-unity\install\asset\Ros2ForUnity\Plugins\* -Include @('<CUSTOM_MSGS_PACKAGE_NAME>*') | Copy-Item -Destination <AWSIM_DIR_PATH>\Assets\Ros2ForUnity\Plugins
    Get-ChildItem C:\ros2-for-unity\install\asset\Ros2ForUnity\Plugins\Windows\x86_64\* -Include @('<CUSTOM_MSGS_PACKAGE_NAME>*') | Copy-Item -Destination <AWSIM_DIR_PATH>\Assets\Ros2ForUnity\Plugins\Windows\x86_64


Get-ChildItem C:\ros2-for-unity\install\asset\Ros2ForUnity\Plugins\* -Include @('custom_msgs*') | Copy-Item -Destination C:\unity\AWSIM\Assets\Ros2ForUnity\Plugins
Get-ChildItem C:\ros2-for-unity\install\asset\Ros2ForUnity\Plugins\Windows\x86_64\* -Include @('custom_msgs*') | Copy-Item -Destination C:\unity\AWSIM\Assets\Ros2ForUnity\Plugins\Windows\x86_64

5. Test#

Make sure that the package files custom_msgs have been properly copied to the AWSIM/Assets/Ros2ForUnity. Then try to create a message object as described in this section and check in the console of Unity Editor if it compiles without errors.