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Preparing the connection between AWSIM and scenario_simulator_v2#

This tutorial describes: - how to modify scenario to work with AWSIM - how to prepare the AWSIM scene to work with scenario_simulator_v2

Scenario preparation to work with AWSIM#

To prepare the scenario to work with AWSIM add model3d field to entity specification

It is utilized as an asset key to identify the proper prefab.


Match the parameters of the configured vehicle to match the entities parameters in AWSIM as close as it is required. Especially the bounding box is crucial to validate the collisions correctly.

Default AWSIM asset catalog#

AWSIM currently supports the following asset key values.

The list can be extended if required. Appropriate values should be added to asst key list in the ScenarioSimulatorConnector component and the vehicle parameters in scenario simulator should match them.

Ego Vehicle Entity (with sensor)#

model3d boundingbox size (m) wheel base(m) front tread(m) rear tread(m) tier diameter(m) max steer(deg)
lexus_rx450h width : 1.920
height : 1.700
length : 4.890
2.105 1.640 1.630 0.766 35

NPC Vehicle Entity#

model3d boundingbox size (m) wheel base(m) front tread(m) rear tread(m) tier diameter(m) max steer(deg)
taxi width : 1.695
height : 1.515
length : 4.590
2.680 1.460 1.400 0.635 35
truck_2t width : 1.695
height : 1.960
length : 4.685
2.490 1.395 1.240 0.673 40
hatchback width : 1.695
height 1.515
length : 3.940
2.550 1.480 1.475 0.600 35
van width : 1.880
height : 2.285
length : 4.695
2.570 1.655 1.650 0.600 35
small_car width : 1.475
height 1.800
length : 3.395
2.520 1.305 1.305 0.557 35

NPC Pedestrian Entity#

model3d boundingbox size (m)
human width : 0.400
height : 1.800
length : 0.300

Misc Object Entity#

model3d boundingbox size (m)
sign_board width : 0.31
height : 0.58
length : 0.21

Scenarios limitations#

Vast majority of features supported by scenario_simulator_v2 are supported with AWSIM as well. Currently supported features are described in the scenario_simulator_v2's documentation.

Features which are not supported when connected with AWSIM are listed below.

  1. Controller properties used by attach_*_sensor
    • pointcloudPublishingDelay
    • isClairvoyant
    • detectedObjectPublishingDelay
    • detectedObjectPositionStandardDeviation
    • detectedObjectMissingProbability
    • randomSeed

If those features are curcial for the scenario's execution, the scenario might not work properly.

AWSIM scene preparation to work with scenario_simulator_v2#

  1. Disable or remove random traffic and any pre-spawned NPCs
  2. Disable or remove V2I traffic lights publishing
  3. Disable or remove the clock publisher


  1. Add ScenarioSimulatorConnector prefab to the scene - located in Assets/ScenarioSimulatorConnector


  1. Add Ego Follow Camera object - most likely Main Camera


  1. If necessary update the asset_id to prefab mapping - key in the map can be used in the scenario


  1. Add TimeSourceSelector prefab to the scene - located in Assets/AWSIM/Scripts/Clock/Prefabs


  1. Configure Type in the TimeSourceSelector component to SS2
