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Add Colliders

Next you need to add Colliders to your Vehicle. To do this follow the steps below.

  1. Add a child Object called Colliders to the EgoVehicle Object.

    colliders add object

  2. Shift parent Object Colliders accordingly as in earlier steps where we shifted Models.

Add a Vehicle Collider#

  1. Add a child Object Collider to the Colliders Object.


  2. Add a Mesh Collider component to the Collider Object by clicking on the 'Add Component' button in the Inspector view and searching for it.

    collider add mesh collider

  3. Click on the arrow in mesh selection field and from the pop-up window select your collider mesh. Next click on the check-box called Convex, by now your collider mesh should be visible in the editor.

    collider configure

Add Wheel Colliders#

  1. Add a child Object Wheels to the Colliders Object.

    wheels add object


In this tutorial we will add only one wheel collider, but you should repeat the step for all 4 wheels. That is, follow the instructions that follow this message for every wheel your Vehicle has.

  • Front Left Wheel
  • Front Right Wheel
  • Rear Left Wheel
  • Rear Right Wheel
  1. Add a child Object FrontLeftWheel to the Wheels Object.

    front left wheel add object

  2. Add a Wheel Collider component to the FrontLeftWheel Object by clicking 'Add Component' and searching for it.

    wheel collider add component

  3. Add a Wheel Script to the FrontLeftWheel Object by clicking 'Add Component' and searching for it.


  4. Drag FrontLeftWheel Object from the WheelVisuals to the Wheel Visual Transform field.

    wheel script configure transform

  5. Add a Wheel Collider Config Script to the FrontLeftWheel Object by clicking 'Add Component' and searching for it.

    wheel collider config add script

  6. Configure the Wheel Collider Config Script so that the Vehicle behaves as you wish.

    wheel collider config configure

  7. Set the Transform of FrontLeftWheel Object to match the visuals of your Vehicle.

    front left wheel set transform

Successful configuration

If you have done everything right your Colliders Object should look similar to the one following.

colliders configured