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Add Visual Elements

Your EgoVehicle needs many individual visual parts. Below we will add all needed visual elements.

First in EgoVehicle Object add a child Object called Models.

ego vehicle add models

Inside Models Object we will add all visual models of our EgoVehicle.

Add a Body#

First you will need to add a Body of your Vehicle. It will contain many parts, so first lets create a Body parent Object.

body add object

Next we will need to add Car Body

  1. Add a child Object BodyCar to the Body Object.

    body car add object

  2. To the BodyCar Object add a Mesh Filter.

    Click on the 'Add Component' button, search for Mesh Filter and select it. Next search for mesh of your vehicle and select it in the Mesh field.

    body car add mesh filter

    mesh filter add component

  3. To the BodyCar Object add a Mesh Renderer.

    Click on the 'Add Component' button, search for Mesh Filter and select it

    body car add mesh renderer

    mesh renderer add component

  4. Specify Materials.

    You need to specify what materials will be used for rendering your EgoVehicle model. Do this by adding elements to the Materials list and selecting the materials you wish to use as shown below.

    mesh renderer add materials

    Add as many materials as your model has sub-meshes.


    When you add too many materials, meaning there will be no sub-meshes to apply these materials to, you will see this warning. In such a case please remove materials until this warning disappears.

    mesh renderer too many materials

Add interactive Body parts#

In this step we will add the following parts

  • Break light
  • Reverse Light
  • Right Turn Signal
  • Left Turn Signal
  • (optional) other visual elements required specifically by your Vehicle.


It may seem like all of the elements above can be parts of the Body mesh, but it is important for these parts to be separate, because we need to be able to make them interactive (e.g. flashing turn signals).

Other good reason for having different meshes for Vehicle parts is that you have a Vehicle model, but for the simulation you need to add e.g. a roof rack with sensors - which can be achieved by adding more meshes.


We will illustrate this step only for Break Light, but you should repeat this step of the tutorial for each element of the list above.

  1. Add a child Object to the Body Object.

    break light add object

  2. Add a Mesh Filter and select the mesh (the same as in section before).

    break light add mesh filter

    mesh filter search

  3. Add a Mesh Renderer and select the materials (the same as in section before).

    break light add mesh renderer

    mesh renderer search

Add Wheels#

In this step we will add individual visuals for every wheel. This process is very similar to the one before.

  1. Add a child Object to the Models Object called WheelVisuals.

    wheel visuals add object


In this tutorial we will add only one wheel, but you should repeat the step for all 4 wheels. That is, follow the instructions that follow this message for every wheel your Vehicle has.

  • Front Left Wheel
  • Front Right Wheel
  • Rear Left Wheel
  • Rear Right Wheel
  1. Add a child Object to the WheelVisuals Object called FrontLeftWheel.

    front left wheel add object

  2. Add a child Object to the FrontLeftWheel Object called WheelFrontL. This Object will contain the actual wheel part.

    wheel front l add object

  3. Add a Mesh Filter and select the wheel mesh.

    wheel front l add mesh filter

    wheel front l configure mesh filter

  4. Add a Mesh Renderer and select the wheel materials.

    wheel front l add mesh renderer

    wheel front l configure mesh renderer 1

    wheel front l configure mesh renderer 2

  5. Repeat the steps before to add Breaks.

    The same way you have added the WheelFrontL Object now add the WheelFrontLBreaks. Naturally you will have to adjust the mesh and materials used as they will be different for breaks than for the wheel.

    Your final break configuration should look similar to the one following.

    wheel front l breaks configured

  6. Set the FrontLeftWheel parent Object transformation to position the wheel in correct place.

    front left wheel set position

Successful configuration

If you have done everything right your WheelVisuals Object should look similar to the one following.

wheel visuals configured

Move the models#

The last step to correctly configure Vehicle models is to shift them so that the EgoVehicle origin is in the center of fixed axis.

This means you need to shift the whole Models Object accordingly (change the position fields in transformation).


Add a dummy Object as a child to the EgoVehicle Object (the same as in steps before) so it is located in the origin of the EgoVehicle.

Now move Models around relative to the dummy - change position in the Inspector view. The dummy will help you see when the fixed axis (in case of the Lexus from example it is the rear axis) is aligned with origin of EgoVehicle.

In the end delete the dummy Object as it is no longer needed.

models shift w dummy