Dynamic Sensor Placement#
This tool allows you to dynamically place sensors on a car using positions and rotations specified in a URDF file.
Follow the steps to generate the urdf file:#
Build Autoware by following the instruction in https://autowarefoundation.github.io/autoware-documentation/main/installation/autoware/source-installation/.
Modify L3-4 in
as the following,<xacro:arg name="vehicle_model" default="sample_vehicle"/> <xacro:arg name="sensor_model" default="awsim_sensor_kit"/>
Run the following commands:
source $HOME/autoware/install/setup.bash ros2 run xacro xacro -o awsim_vehicle.urdf $HOME/autoware/src/universe/autoware.universe/launch/tier4_vehicle_launch/urdf/vehicle.xacro
You should now have a URDF file named
Using the Dynamic Sensor Placement tool:#
Open up AWSIM and place the generated
in the Externals folder so the path will be./Assets/AWSIM/Externals/awsim_vehicle.urdf
. -
Now, under open up the
Dynamic sensor placement
tool under AWSIM menu. -
Enter the path to the URDF file
Click "Place sensors". All the sensors should be automatically placed on the car.
Only the game object named sensor_kit_base_link and its direct children will be assigned transforms if they are mentioned in the URDF file as children of sensor_kit_base_link. You will need to manually place the base_link game object.
Ensure the names of the game objects are exactly the same as those mentioned in the URDF file. Look for the name of the child of sensor_kit_base_link in the URDF file under the
tag.For example:
<joint name="velodyne_top_base_mount_joint" type="fixed"> <origin rpy="0.0 0.0 1.575" xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0"/> <parent link="sensor_kit_base_link"/> <child link="velodyne_top_base_link"/> </joint>
Finally, ensure that all the direct children of the sensor game objects have their rotations and positions set to zero.