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Hotkey List#


Key Feature
D Change drive gear.
P Parking gear.
R Reverse gear.
N Neutral gear.
1 Left turn signal.
2 Right turn signal.
3 Hazard.
4 Turn signal off.
Up arrow Accelerate.
Left arrow Steering (Left).
Right arrow Steering (Right).
Down arrow Breaking.

W,A,S,D keys can also be used to control the vehicle, similar to the arrow keys.


Key Feature
C Camera rotation on/off toggle.
Mouse drag Rotate Camera angle.
Mouse wheel Zoom in/out of camera.


Key Feature
Esc Toggle side bar
LeftCtrl + R Reset ego vehicle
LeftCtrl + T Toggle traffic visibility


Key Feature
B Toggle BEV camera
WASD / Arrow Keys Pan BEV camera
Mouse Wheel + Drag Pan BEV camera
Mouse Wheel Zoom in/out
Space Snap camera to vehicle
LeftCtrl + Space Follow ego vehicle on/off

Graphy Asset#

Key Feature
F3 Toggle Graphy Visualizer