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Support guidelines#

This page explains the support mechanisms we provide.


Before asking for help, search and read this documentation site carefully. Also, follow the discussion guidelines for discussions.

Choose appropriate resources depending on what kind of help you need and read the detailed description in the sections below.

Guidelines for Autoware community support#

If you encounter a problem with Autoware, please follow these steps to seek help:

1. Search for existing Issues and Questions#

Before creating a new issue or question, check if someone else has already reported or asked about the problem. Use the following resources:

  • Issues

    Note that Autoware has multiple repositories listed in autoware.repos. It is recommended to search across all repositories.

2. Create a new question thread#

If you don't find an existing issue or question that addresses your problem, create a new question thread:

  • Ask a Question

    If your question is not answered within a week, mention @autoware-maintainers in a post to remind them.

3. Participate in other discussions#

You are also welcome to open or join discussions in other categories:

Additional resources#

If you are unsure how to create a discussion, refer to the GitHub Docs on creating a new discussion.

Documentation sites#

Docs guide shows the list of useful documentation sites. Visit them and see if there is any information related to your problem.

Note that the documentation sites aren't always up-to-date and perfect. If you find out that some information is wrong, unclear, or missing in Autoware docs, feel free to submit a pull request following the contribution guidelines.

GitHub Discussions#

GitHub discussions page is the primary place for asking questions and discussing topics related to Autoware.

Category Description
Announcements Official updates and news from the Autoware maintainers
Design Discussions on Autoware system and software design
Feature requests Suggestions for new features and improvements
General General discussions about Autoware
Ideas Brainstorming and sharing innovative ideas
Polls Community polls and surveys
Q&A Questions and answers from the community and developers
Show and tell Showcase of projects and achievements
TSC meetings Minutes and discussions from TSC(Technical Steering Committee) meetings
Working group activities Updates on working group activities
Working group meetings Minutes and discussions from working group meetings


GitHub Discussions is not the right place to track tasks or bugs. Use GitHub Issues for that purpose.

GitHub Issues#

GitHub Issues is the designated platform for tracking confirmed bugs, tasks, and enhancements within Autoware's various repositories.

Follow these guidelines to ensure efficient issue tracking and resolution:

Reporting bugs#

If you encounter a confirmed bug, please report it by creating an issue in the appropriate Autoware repository. Include detailed information such as steps to reproduce, expected outcomes, and actual results to assist maintainers in addressing the issue promptly.

Tracking tasks#

GitHub Issues is also the place for managing tasks including:

  • Refactoring: Propose refactoring existing code to improve efficiency, readability, or maintainability. Clearly describe what and why you propose to refactor.
  • New Features: If you have confirmed the need for a new feature through discussions, use Issues to track its development. Outline the feature's purpose, potential designs, and its intended impact.
  • Documentation: Propose changes to documentation to fix inaccuracies, update outdated content, or add new sections. Specify what changes are needed and why they are important.

Creating an issue#

When creating a new issue, use the following guidelines:

  1. Choose the Correct Repository: If unsure which repository is appropriate, start a discussion in the Q&A category to seek guidance from maintainers.
  2. Use Clear, Concise Titles: Clearly summarize the issue or task in the title for quick identification.
  3. Provide Detailed Descriptions: Include all necessary details to understand the context and scope of the issue. Attach screenshots, error logs, and code snippets where applicable.
  4. Tag Relevant Contributors: Mention contributors or teams that might be impacted by or interested in the issue.

Linking issues and pull requests#

When you start working on an issue, link the related pull request to the issue by mentioning the issue number. This helps maintain a clear and traceable development history.

For more details, see the Pull Request Guidelines page.


GitHub Issues is not for questions or unconfirmed bugs. If an issue is created for such purposes, it will likely be transferred to GitHub Discussions for further clarification.



Autoware has a Discord server for casual communication between contributors.

The Autoware Discord server is a good place for the following activities:

  • Introduce yourself to the community.
  • Chat with contributors.
  • Take a quick straw poll.

Note that it is not the right place to get help for your issues.

ROS Discourse#

If you want to widely discuss a topic with the general Autoware and ROS community or ask a question not related to Autoware's bugs, post to the Autoware category on ROS Discourse.


Do not post questions about bugs to ROS Discourse!