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Creating Autoware meta-repository#

What is Meta-repository?#

A meta-repository is a repository that manages multiple repositories, and Autoware is one of them. It serves as a centralized control point for referencing, configuring, and versioning other repositories.

By using Ansible and VCS, you can automatically set up your Autoware. autoware.repos file manages the configuration of multiple repositories.

Note: VCS stands for Version Control System, such as Git or Subversion.

How to create and customize your autoware meta-repository#

1. Create autoware repository#

If you want to integrate Autoware into your vehicle, the first step is to create an Autoware meta-repository.

One easy way is to fork autowarefoundation/autoware and clone it. For how to fork a repository, refer to GitHub Docs.

git clone

If you set up multiple types of vehicles, adding a suffix like autoware.vehicle_A or autoware.vehicle_B is recommended

2. Customize your autoware.repos for your environment#

You need to customize autoware.repos for your own vehicle's Autoware.

For example, if you want to customize the parameters in your individual_params or autoware_launch package to fit your vehicle, you can modify the configuration of each package and use them accordingly.

Please edit the parameters in Autoware's autoware_individual_params and autoware_launch packages to match your vehicle's specific requirements, as these packages provide sample parameters and may not be tailored to your vehicle by default.

If you want to fork autoware_individual_params and make modifications, it would be as follows:

Example: If you fork individual_params and rename autoware_individual_params.vehicle_A:

- param/autoware_individual_params:
-   type: git
-   url:
-   version: main
+ param/autoware_individual_params.vehicle_A:
+   type: git
+   url:
+   version: main

Please refer to the following documentation link for instructions on how to create and customize each vehicle_interface:

Please remember to add all your custom packages, such as interfaces and descriptions, to your autoware.repos to ensure that your packages are properly included and managed within the Autoware repository.