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Smartmicro Automotive Radars#

Smartmicro Radars which has ROS 2 driver and tested by one or more community members are listed below:

Supported Products List Range FOV (Azimuth), (Elevation) ROS 2 Driver Autoware Tested (Y/N)
Type 153 (Triple Mode Short, Medium Long) S:0.2...19 m M:0.4...55 m L:0.8...120 m Short: (130°), (15°) Medium: (130°), (15°)
Long: (100°),(15°)
Type 132 ,(Dual Mode ,Medium, Long) M:0.5...64 m  L:1...175 m Medium: (100°), (15°) Long: (32°), (15°) Y Y

Link to ROS 2 driver:

Link to company website:

Aptiv Automotive Radars#

Aptiv Radars which has ROS 2 driver and tested by one or more community members are listed below:

Supported Products List Range FOV (Azimuth), (Elevation) ROS 2 Driver Autoware Tested (Y/N)
Aptiv MMR (Dual Mode Short, Long) S: 1...40 m L: 3...160 m Short.: (90), (90°) Long: (90°), (90°) Y -
Aptiv ESR 2.5 (Dual Mode (Medium, Long)) M: 1...60 m L: 1...175 m Med.: (90°), (4.4°) Long: (20°), (4.4°) Y -

Link to company website:

Continental Engineering Radars#

Continental Engineering Radars which has ROS 2 driver and tested by one or more community members are listed below:

Supported Products List Range FOV (Azimuth), (Elevation) ROS 2 Driver Autoware Tested (Y/N)
ARS430DI 250m (120), (18°) - -

Link to company website: