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Category traffic light

Category:Traffic Light#

vm-04-01 Traffic light basics#

Detail of requirements #

When creating traffic lights in a vector map, meet the following requirements:

  • Road Lanelet (subtype:road). Quantity: one.
  • Traffic Light. Multiple instances possible.
    • Traffic light Linestring (type:traffic_light).
    • Traffic light bulbs Linestring (type:light_bulbs).
    • Stop line Linestring (type:stop_line).
  • Regulatory element for traffic lights (subtype:traffic_light). Referenced by the road Lanelet and references both the traffic light (traffic_light, light_bulbs) and stop line (stop_line). Quantity: one.

Refer to Web.Auto Documentation - Creation of a traffic light and a stop line for the method of creation in Vector Map Builder.

Refer to vm-04-02 and vm-04-03 for the specifications of traffic light and traffic light bulb objects.

Preferred vector map #


If there is a crosswalk at the intersection, arrange for the road's Lanelet and the crosswalk's Lanelet to intersect and overlap.


vm-04-02 Traffic light position and size#

Detail of requirements #

Create traffic lights with Linestring.

  • type:traffic_light
  • subtype:red_yellow_green (optional)

Create the Linestring's length (from start to end points) precisely aligned with the traffic light's bottom edge. Ensure the traffic light's positional height is correctly represented in the Linestring's 3D coordinates.

Use tag:height for the traffic light's height, e.g., for 50cm, write tag:height=0.5. Note that this height indicates the size of the traffic light, not its position.

Supplemental information #

Autoware currently ignores subtype red_yellow_green.

Preferred vector map #


Incorrect vector map #

None in particular.

vm-04-03 Traffic light lamps#

Detail of requirements #

To enable the system to detect the color of traffic lights, the color scheme and arrangement must be accurately created as objects. Indicate the position of the lights with Points. For colored lights, use the color tag to represent the color. For arrow lights, use the arrow tag to indicate the direction.

  • tag: color = red, yellow, green
  • tag: arrow = up, right, left, up_light, up_left

Use the Points of the lights when creating a Linestring.

  • type: light_bulbs

Preferred vector map #


The order of the lights' Points can be 1→2→3→4 or 4→3→2→1, either is acceptable.

Incorrect vector map #

None in particular.