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Rosbag replay simulation#


  1. Download and unpack a sample map.

    • You can also download the map manually.
    gdown -O ~/autoware_map/ ''
    unzip -d ~/autoware_map/ ~/autoware_map/
  2. Download the sample rosbag files.

    gdown -O ~/autoware_map/ ''
    unzip -d ~/autoware_map/ ~/autoware_map/
  3. Check if you have ~/autoware_data folder and files in it.

    $ cd ~/autoware_data
    $ ls -C -w 30

    If not, please, follow Manual downloading of artifacts.


  • Sample map and rosbag: Copyright 2020 TIER IV, Inc.
  • Due to privacy concerns, the rosbag does not contain image data, which will cause:
    • Traffic light recognition functionality cannot be tested with this sample rosbag.
    • Object detection accuracy is decreased.

How to run a rosbag replay simulation#

!!! info Using Autoware Launch GUI

If you prefer a graphical user interface (GUI) over the command line for launching and managing your simulations, refer to the `Using Autoware Launch GUI` section at the end of this document for a step-by-step guide.
  1. Launch Autoware.

    source ~/autoware/install/setup.bash
    ros2 launch autoware_launch logging_simulator.launch.xml map_path:=$HOME/autoware_map/sample-map-rosbag vehicle_model:=sample_vehicle sensor_model:=sample_sensor_kit

    Note that you cannot use ~ instead of $HOME here.


  2. Play the sample rosbag file.

    source ~/autoware/install/setup.bash
    ros2 bag play ~/autoware_map/sample-rosbag/sample.db3 -r 0.2 -s sqlite3


  3. To focus the view on the ego vehicle, change the Target Frame in the RViz Views panel from viewer to base_link.


  4. To switch the view to Third Person Follower etc, change the Type in the RViz Views panel.


Reference video tutorials

Using Autoware Launch GUI#

This section provides a step-by-step guide for using the Autoware Launch GUI to launch and manage your rosbag replay simulation. offering an alternative to the command-line instructions provided in the previous section.

Getting Started with Autoware Launch GUI#

  1. Installation: Ensure you have installed the Autoware Launch GUI. Installation instructions.

  2. Launching the GUI: Open the Autoware Launch GUI from your applications menu. GUI_screenshot_for_launching

Launching a Logging Simulation#

  1. Set Autoware Path: In the GUI, set the path to your Autoware installation. GUI_screenshot_for_setting_Autoware_path
  2. Select Launch File: Choose logging_simulator.launch.xml for the lane driving scenario. GUI screenshot for selecting launch file
  3. Customize Parameters: Adjust parameters such as map_path, vehicle_model, and sensor_model as needed.

    GUI screenshot for customizing parameters GUI screenshot for customizing parameters

  4. Start Simulation: Click the launch button to start the simulation and have access to all the logs.

    GUI screenshot for starting simulation

  5. Play Rosbag: Move to the Rosbag tab and select the rosbag file you wish to play.

    GUI screenshot for selecting rosbag file

  6. Adjust Playback Speed: Adjust the playback speed as needed and any other parameters you wish to customize.

    GUI screenshot for adjusting playback speed

  7. Start Playback: Click the play button to start the rosbag playback and have access to settings such as pause/play, stop, and speed slider5.

    GUI screenshot for starting playback

  8. View Simulation: Move to the RViz window to view the simulation.


  9. To focus the view on the ego vehicle, change the Target Frame in the RViz Views panel from viewer to base_link.


  10. To switch the view to Third Person Follower etc, change the Type in the RViz Views panel.
