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Grid Map Utils#


This packages contains a re-implementation of the grid_map::PolygonIterator used to iterate over all cells of a grid map contained inside some polygon.


This implementation uses the scan line algorithm, a common algorithm used to draw polygons on a rasterized image. The main idea of the algorithm adapted to a grid map is as follow:

  • calculate intersections between rows of the grid map and the edges of the polygon edges;
  • calculate for each row the column between each pair of intersections;
  • the resulting (row, column) indexes are inside of the polygon.

More details on the scan line algorithm can be found in the References.


The autoware::grid_map_utils::PolygonIterator follows the same API as the original grid_map::PolygonIterator.


The behavior of the autoware::grid_map_utils::PolygonIterator is only guaranteed to match the grid_map::PolygonIterator if edges of the polygon do not exactly cross any cell center. In such a case, whether the crossed cell is considered inside or outside of the polygon can vary due to floating precision error.


Benchmarking code is implemented in test/benchmarking.cpp and is also used to validate that the autoware::grid_map_utils::PolygonIterator behaves exactly like the grid_map::PolygonIterator.

The following figure shows a comparison of the runtime between the implementation of this package (autoware_grid_map_utils) and the original implementation (grid_map). The time measured includes the construction of the iterator and the iteration over all indexes and is shown using a logarithmic scale. Results were obtained varying the side size of a square grid map with 100 <= n <= 1000 (size=n means a grid of n x n cells), random polygons with a number of vertices 3 <= m <= 100 and with each parameter (n,m) repeated 10 times.

Runtime comparison

Future improvements#

There exists variations of the scan line algorithm for multiple polygons. These can be implemented if we want to iterate over the cells contained in at least one of multiple polygons.

The current implementation imitate the behavior of the original grid_map::PolygonIterator where a cell is selected if its center position is inside the polygon. This behavior could be changed for example to only return all cells overlapped by the polygon.
