Smart MPC Trajectory Follower#
Smart MPC (Model Predictive Control) is a control algorithm that combines model predictive control and machine learning. While inheriting the advantages of model predictive control, it solves its disadvantage of modeling difficulty with a data-driven method using machine learning.
This technology makes it relatively easy to operate model predictive control, which is expensive to implement, as long as an environment for collecting data can be prepared.
Provided features#
This package provides smart MPC logic for path-following control as well as mechanisms for learning and evaluation. These features are described below.
Trajectory following control based on iLQR/MPPI#
The control mode can be selected from "ilqr", "mppi", or "mppi_ilqr", and can be set as mpc_parameter:system:mode
in mpc_param.yaml.
In "mppi_ilqr" mode, the initial value of iLQR is given by the MPPI solution.
[!NOTE] With the default settings, the performance of "mppi" mode is limited due to an insufficient number of samples. This issue is being addressed with ongoing work to introduce GPU support.
To perform a simulation, run the following command:
ros2 launch autoware_launch planning_simulator.launch.xml map_path:=$HOME/autoware_map/sample-map-planning vehicle_model:=sample_vehicle sensor_model:=sample_sensor_kit trajectory_follower_mode:=smart_mpc_trajectory_follower
[!NOTE] When running with the nominal model set in nominal_param.yaml, set
in trained_model_param.yaml. To run using the trained model, settrained_model_parameter:control_application:use_trained_model
, but the trained model must have been generated according to the following procedure.
Training of model and reflection in control#
To obtain training data, start autoware, perform a drive, and record rosbag data with the following commands.
ros2 bag record /localization/kinematic_state /localization/acceleration /vehicle/status/steering_status /control/command/control_cmd /control/trajectory_follower/control_cmd /control/trajectory_follower/lane_departure_checker_node/debug/deviation/lateral /control/trajectory_follower/lane_departure_checker_node/debug/deviation/yaw /system/operation_mode/state /vehicle/status/control_mode /sensing/imu/imu_data /debug_mpc_x_des /debug_mpc_y_des /debug_mpc_v_des /debug_mpc_yaw_des /debug_mpc_acc_des /debug_mpc_steer_des /debug_mpc_X_des_converted /debug_mpc_x_current /debug_mpc_error_prediction /debug_mpc_max_trajectory_err /debug_mpc_emergency_stop_mode /debug_mpc_goal_stop_mode /debug_mpc_total_ctrl_time /debug_mpc_calc_u_opt_time
Move rosbag2.bash to the rosbag directory recorded above and execute the following command on the directory
bash rosbag2.bash
This converts rosbag data into CSV format for training models.
[!NOTE] Note that a large number of terminals are automatically opened at runtime, but they are automatically closed after rosbag data conversion is completed. From the time you begin this process until all terminals are closed, autoware should not be running.
Instead, the same result can be obtained by executing the following command in a python environment:
from autoware_smart_mpc_trajectory_follower.training_and_data_check import train_drive_NN_model
model_trainer = train_drive_NN_model.train_drive_NN_model()
Here, rosbag_dir
represents the rosbag directory.
At this time, all CSV files in rosbag_dir
are automatically deleted first.
We move on to an explanation of how the model is trained.
If trained_model_parameter:memory_for_training:use_memory_for_training
in trained_model_param.yaml is set to true
, training is performed on models that include LSTM, and if it is set to false
, training is performed on models that do not include LSTM.
When using LSTM, cell states and hidden states are updated based on historical time series data and reflected in the prediction.
The paths of the rosbag directories used for training and validation, dir_0
, dir_1
, dir_2
,..., dir_val_0
, dir_val_1
, dir_val_2
,... and the directory save_dir
where you save the models, the model can be saved in the python environment as follows:
from autoware_smart_mpc_trajectory_follower.training_and_data_check import train_drive_NN_model
model_trainer = train_drive_NN_model.train_drive_NN_model()
model_trainer.add_data_from_csv(dir_0, add_mode="as_train")
model_trainer.add_data_from_csv(dir_1, add_mode="as_train")
model_trainer.add_data_from_csv(dir_2, add_mode="as_train")
model_trainer.add_data_from_csv(dir_val_0, add_mode="as_val")
model_trainer.add_data_from_csv(dir_val_1, add_mode="as_val")
model_trainer.add_data_from_csv(dir_val_2, add_mode="as_val")
If add_mode
is not specified or validation data is not added, the training data is split to be used for training and validation.
After performing the polynomial regression, the NN can be trained on the residuals as follows:
[!NOTE] In the default setting, regression is performed by several preselected polynomials. When
is set as the argument of get_trained_model, thedeg
argument allows setting the maximum degree of the polynomial to be used.
If only polynomial regression is performed and no NN model is used, run the following command:
Move model_for_test_drive.pth
and polynomial_reg_info.npz
saved in save_dir
to the home directory and set trained_model_parameter:control_application:use_trained_model
in trained_model_param.yaml to true
to reflect the trained model in the control.
Performance evaluation#
Here, as an example, we describe the verification of the adaptive performance when the wheel base of the sample_vehicle is 2.79 m, but an incorrect value of 2.0 m is given to the controller side.
To give the controller 2.0 m as the wheel base, set the value of nominal_parameter:vehicle_info:wheel_base
in nominal_param.yaml to 2.0, and run the following command:
python3 -m smart_mpc_trajectory_follower.clear_pycache
Test on autoware#
To perform a control test on autoware with the nominal model before training, make sure that trained_model_parameter:control_application:use_trained_model
in trained_model_param.yaml is false
and launch autoware in the manner described in "Trajectory following control based on iLQR/MPPI". This time, the following route will be used for the test:
Record rosbag and train the model in the manner described in "Training of model and reflection in control", and move the generated files model_for_test_drive.pth
and polynomial_reg_info.npz
to the home directory.
Sample models, which work under the condition thattrained_model_parameter:memory_for_training:use_memory_for_training
in trained_model_param.yaml is set to true
, can be obtained at sample_models/wheel_base_changed.
[!NOTE] Although the data used for training is small, for the sake of simplicity, we will see how much performance can be improved with this amount of data.
To control using the trained model obtained here, set trained_model_parameter:control_application:use_trained_model
to true
, start autoware in the same way, and drive the same route recording rosbag.
After the driving is complete, convert the rosbag file to CSV format using the method described in "Training of model and reflection in control".
A plot of the lateral deviation is obtained by running the lateral_error_visualize
function in control/autoware_smart_mpc_trajectory_follower/autoware_smart_mpc_trajectory_follower/training_and_data_check/data_checker.ipynb
for the nominal and training model rosbag files rosbag_nominal
and rosbag_trained
, respectively, as follows:
The following results were obtained.

Test on python simulator#
First, to give wheel base 2.79 m in the python simulator, create the following file and save it in control/autoware_smart_mpc_trajectory_follower/autoware_smart_mpc_trajectory_follower/python_simulator
with the name sim_setting.json
{ "wheel_base": 2.79 }
Next, after moving to control/autoware_smart_mpc_trajectory_follower/autoware_smart_mpc_trajectory_follower/python_simulator
, run the following commands to test the slalom driving on the python simulator with the nominal control:
python3 nominal_test
The result of the driving is stored in test_python_nominal_sim
The following results were obtained.
The center of the upper row represents the lateral deviation.
Run the following commands to perform training using figure eight driving data under the control of pure pursuit.
To perform training using a figure eight driving and driving based on the obtained model, run the following commands:
The result of the driving is stored in test_python_trined_sim
When trained_model_parameter:memory_for_training:use_memory_for_training
in trained_model_param.yaml is set to true
, the following results were obtained.
When trained_model_parameter:memory_for_training:use_memory_for_training
in trained_model_param.yaml is set to false
, the following results were obtained.
It can be seen that the lateral deviation has improved significantly. However, the difference in driving with and without LSTM is not very apparent.
To see the difference, for example, we can experiment with parameters such as steer_time_delay.
First, to restore nominal model settings to default values, set the value of nominal_parameter:vehicle_info:wheel_base
in nominal_param.yaml to 2.79, and run the following command:
python3 -m smart_mpc_trajectory_follower.clear_pycache
Next, modify sim_setting.json
as follows:
{ "steer_time_delay": 1.01 }
In this way, an experiment is performed when steer_time_delay
is set to 1.01 sec.
The result of the driving using the nominal model is as follows:
The result of the driving using the trained model with LSTM is as follows:
The result of the driving using the trained model without LSTM is as follows:
It can be seen that the performance with the model that includes LSTM is significantly better than with the model that does not.
The parameters that can be passed to the python simulator are as follows.
Parameter | Type | Description |
steer_bias | float | steer bias [rad] |
steer_rate_lim | float | steer rate limit [rad/s] |
vel_rate_lim | float | acceleration limit [m/s^2] |
wheel_base | float | wheel base [m] |
steer_dead_band | float | steer dead band [rad] |
adaptive_gear_ratio_coef | list[float] | List of floats of length 6 specifying information on speed-dependent gear ratios from tire angle to steering wheel angle. |
acc_time_delay | float | acceleration time delay [s] |
steer_time_delay | float | steer time delay [s] |
acc_time_constant | float | acceleration time constant [s] |
steer_time_constant | float | steer time constant [s] |
accel_map_scale | float | Parameter that magnifies the corresponding distortion from acceleration input values to actual acceleration realizations. Correspondence information is kept in control/autoware_smart_mpc_trajectory_follower/autoware_smart_mpc_trajectory_follower/python_simulator/accel_map.csv . |
acc_scaling | float | acceleration scaling |
steer_scaling | float | steer scaling |
vehicle_type | int | Take values from 0 to 4 for pre-designed vehicle types. A description of each vehicle type is given below. |
For example, to give the simulation side 0.01 [rad] of steer bias and 0.001 [rad] of steer dead band, edit the sim_setting.json
as follows.
{ "steer_bias": 0.01, "steer_dead_band": 0.001 }
This vehicle type matches the default vehicle type used in the control.
Parameter | value |
wheel_base | 2.79 |
acc_time_delay | 0.1 |
steer_time_delay | 0.27 |
acc_time_constant | 0.1 |
steer_time_constant | 0.24 |
acc_scaling | 1.0 |
This vehicle type is intended for a heavy bus.
Parameter | value |
wheel_base | 4.76 |
acc_time_delay | 1.0 |
steer_time_delay | 1.0 |
acc_time_constant | 1.0 |
steer_time_constant | 1.0 |
acc_scaling | 0.2 |
This vehicle type is intended for a light bus.
Parameter | value |
wheel_base | 4.76 |
acc_time_delay | 0.5 |
steer_time_delay | 0.5 |
acc_time_constant | 0.5 |
steer_time_constant | 0.5 |
acc_scaling | 0.5 |
This vehicle type is intended for a small vehicle.
Parameter | value |
wheel_base | 1.335 |
acc_time_delay | 0.3 |
steer_time_delay | 0.3 |
acc_time_constant | 0.3 |
steer_time_constant | 0.3 |
acc_scaling | 1.5 |
This vehicle type is intended for a small robot.
Parameter | value |
wheel_base | 0.395 |
acc_time_delay | 0.2 |
steer_time_delay | 0.2 |
acc_time_constant | 0.2 |
steer_time_constant | 0.2 |
acc_scaling | 1.0 |
Auto test on python simulator#
Here, we describe a method for testing adaptive performance by giving the simulation side a predefined range of model parameters while the control side is given constant model parameters.
To run a driving experiment within the parameter change range set in, for example, move to control/autoware_smart_mpc_trajectory_follower/autoware_smart_mpc_trajectory_follower/python_simulator
and run the following command:
python3 --param_name steer_bias
Here we described the experimental procedure for steer bias, and the same method can be used for other parameters.
To run the test for all parameters except limits at once, run the following command:
The results are stored in the auto_test
After the executions were completed, the following results were obtained by running plot_auto_test_result.ipynb:
The orange line shows the intermediate model trained using pure pursuit figure eight drive, and the blue line shows the final model trained using data from both the intermediate model and the figure eight drive.
In most cases, sufficient performance is obtained, but for vehicle_type_1
, which is intended for a heavy bus, a lateral deviation of about 2 m was observed, which is not satisfactory.
, the following parameters can be set:
Parameter | Type | Description |
USE_TRAINED_MODEL_DIFF | bool | Whether the derivative of the trained model is reflected in the control |
DATA_COLLECTION_MODE | DataCollectionMode | Which method will be used to collect the training data "DataCollectionMode.ff": Straight line driving with feed-forward input "DataCollectionMode.pp": Figure eight driving with pure pursuit control "DataCollectionMode.mpc": Slalom driving with mpc |
USE_POLYNOMIAL_REGRESSION | bool | Whether to perform polynomial regression before NN |
USE_SELECTED_POLYNOMIAL | bool | When USE_POLYNOMIAL_REGRESSION is True, perform polynomial regression using only some preselected polynomials. The choice of polynomials is intended to be able to absorb the contribution of some parameter shifts based on the nominal model of the vehicle. |
FORCE_NN_MODEL_TO_ZERO | bool | Whether to force the NN model to zero (i.e., erase the contribution of the NN model). When USE_POLYNOMIAL_REGRESSION is True, setting FORCE_MODEL_TO_ZERO to True allows the control to reflect the results of polynomial regression only, without using NN models. |
FIT_INTERCEPT | bool | Whether to include bias in polynomial regression. If it is False, perform the regression with a polynomial of the first degree or higher. |
USE_INTERCEPT | bool | When a polynomial regression including bias is performed, whether to use or discard the resulting bias information. It is meaningful only if FIT_INTERCEPT is True. If it is False, discard the bias in the polynomial regression in the hope that the NN model can remove the bias term, even if the polynomial regression is performed with the bias included. |
[!NOTE] When
is run, theuse_trained_model_diff
takes precedence over thetrained_model_parameter:control_application:use_trained_model_diff
set in trained_model_param.yaml.
Kernel density estimation of pure pursuit driving data#
The distribution of data obtained from pure pursuit runs can be displayed using Kernel density estimation. To do this, run density_estimation.ipynb.
The correlation between the minimum value of the density estimate and the lateral deviation of the run results is low. A scalar indicator that better predicts the value of lateral deviation is under development.
Change of nominal parameters and their reloading#
The nominal parameters of vehicle model can be changed by editing the file nominal_param.yaml. After changing the nominal parameters, the cache must be deleted by running the following command:
python3 -m smart_mpc_trajectory_follower.clear_pycache
The nominal parameters include the following:
Parameter | Type | Description |
nominal_parameter:vehicle_info:wheel_base | float | wheel base [m] |
nominal_parameter:acceleration:acc_time_delay | float | acceleration time delay [s] |
nominal_parameter:acceleration:acc_time_constant | float | acceleration time constant [s] |
nominal_parameter:steering:steer_time_delay | float | steer time delay [s] |
nominal_parameter:steering:steer_time_constant | float | steer time constant [s] |
Change of control parameters and their reloading#
The control parameters can be changed by editing files mpc_param.yaml and trained_model_param.yaml. Although it is possible to reflect parameter changes by restarting autoware, the following command allows us to do so without leaving autoware running:
ros2 topic pub /pympc_reload_mpc_param_trigger std_msgs/msg/String "data: ''" --once
The main parameters among the control parameters are as follows.
Parameter | Type | Description |
mpc_parameter:system:mode | str | control mode "ilqr": iLQR mode "mppi": MPPI mode "mppi_ilqr": the initial value of iLQR is given by the MPPI solution. |
mpc_parameter:cost_parameters:Q | list[float] | Stage cost for states. List of length 8, in order: straight deviation, lateral deviation, velocity deviation, yaw angle deviation, acceleration deviation, steer deviation, acceleration input deviation, steer input deviation cost weights. |
mpc_parameter:cost_parameters:Q_c | list[float] | Cost in the horizon corresponding to the following timing_Q_c for the states. The correspondence of the components of the list is the same as for Q. |
mpc_parameter:cost_parameters:Q_f | list[float] | Termination cost for the states. The correspondence of the components of the list is the same as for Q. |
mpc_parameter:cost_parameters:R | list[float] | A list of length 2 where R[0] is weight of cost for the change rate of acceleration input value and R[1] is weight of cost for the change rate of steer input value. |
mpc_parameter:mpc_setting:timing_Q_c | list[int] | Horizon numbers such that the stage cost for the states is set to Q_c. |
mpc_parameter:compensation:acc_fb_decay | float | Coefficient of damping in integrating the error between the observed and predicted acceleration values in the compensator outside the MPC. |
mpc_parameter:compensation:acc_fb_gain | float | Gain of acceleration compensation. |
mpc_parameter:compensation:max_error_acc | float | Maximum acceleration compensation (m/s^2) |
mpc_parameter:compensation:steer_fb_decay | float | Coefficient of damping in integrating the error between the observed and predicted steering values in the compensator outside the MPC. |
mpc_parameter:compensation:steer_fb_gain | float | Gain of steering compensation. |
mpc_parameter:compensation:max_error_steer | float | Maximum steering compensation (rad) |
Parameter | Type | Description |
trained_model_parameter:control_application:use_trained_model | bool | Whether the trained model is reflected in the control or not. |
trained_model_parameter:control_application:use_trained_model_diff | bool | Whether the derivative of the trained model is reflected on the control or not. It is meaningful only when use_trained_model is True, and if False, the nominal model is used for the derivative of the dynamics, and trained model is used only for prediction. |
trained_model_parameter:memory_for_training:use_memory_for_training | bool | Whether to use the model that includes LSTM for learning or not. |
trained_model_parameter:memory_for_training:use_memory_diff | bool | Whether the derivative with respect to the cell state and hidden state at the previous time of LSTM is reflected in the control or not. |
Request to release the slow stop mode#
If the predicted trajectory deviates too far from the target trajectory, the system enters a slow stop mode and the vehicle stops moving. To cancel the slow stop mode and make the vehicle ready to run again, run the following command:
ros2 topic pub /pympc_stop_mode_reset_request std_msgs/msg/String "data: ''" --once
- May not be able to start when initial position/posture is far from the target.
- It may take some time until the end of the planning to compile numba functions at the start of the first control.
- In the stopping action near the goal our control switches to another simple control law. As a result, the stopping action may not work except near the goal. Stopping is also difficult if the acceleration map is significantly shifted.
- If the dynamics deviates too much from the nominal model, as in
, which is intended for heavy buses, it may not be well controlled.