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Out of Lane#


There are cases where the ego vehicle footprint goes out of the driving lane, for example when taking a narrow turn with a large vehicle. The out_of_lane module adds deceleration and stop points to the ego trajectory in order to prevent collisions from occurring in these out of lane cases.


This module is activated if the launch parameter launch_out_of_lane_module is set to true.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

This module calculates if out of lane collisions occur and insert stop point before the collisions if necessary.

The algorithm assumes the input ego trajectory contains accurate time_from_start values in order to calculate accurate time to collisions with the predicted objects.

Next we explain the inner-workings of the module in more details.

1. Ego trajectory footprints#

In this first step, the ego footprint is projected at each trajectory point and its size is modified based on the ego.extra_..._offset parameters.

The length of the trajectory used for generating the footprints is limited by the max_arc_length parameter.


2. Other lanelets#

In the second step, we calculate the lanelets where collisions should be avoided. We consider all lanelets around the ego vehicle that are not crossed by the trajectory linestring (sequence of trajectory points) or their preceding lanelets.


In the debug visualization, these other lanelets are shown as blue polygons.

3. Out of lane areas#

Next, for each trajectory point, we create the corresponding out of lane areas by intersection the other lanelets (from step 2) with the trajectory point footprint (from step 1). Each area is associated with the lanelets overlapped by the area and with the corresponding ego trajectory point.


In the debug visualization, the out of lane area polygon is connected to the corresponding trajectory point by a line.

4. Predicted objects filtering#

We filter objects and their predicted paths with the following conditions:

  • ignore objects with a speed bellow the minimum_velocity parameter;
  • ignore objects coming from behind the ego vehicle if parameter ignore_behind_ego is set to true;
  • ignore predicted paths whose confidence value is bellow the predicted_path_min_confidence parameter;
  • cut the points of predicted paths going beyond the stop line of a red traffic light if parameter cut_predicted_paths_beyond_red_lights is set to true.
cut_predicted_paths_beyond_red_lights = false cut_predicted_paths_beyond_red_lights = true

In the debug visualization, the filtered predicted paths are shown in green and the stop lines of red traffic lights are shown in red.

5. Time to collisions#

For each out of lane area, we calculate the times when a dynamic object will overlap the area based on its filtered predicted paths.

In the case where parameter mode is set to threshold and the calculated time is less than threshold.time_threshold parameter, then we decide to avoid the out of lane area.

In the case where parameter mode is set to ttc, we calculate the time to collision by comparing the predicted time of the object with the time_from_start field contained in the trajectory point. If the time to collision is bellow the ttc.threshold parameter value, we decide to avoid the out of lane area.


In the debug visualization, the ttc (in seconds) is displayed on top of its corresponding trajectory point. The color of the text is red if the collision should be avoided and green otherwise.

6. Calculate the stop or slowdown point#

First, the minimum stopping distance of the ego vehicle is calculated based on the jerk and deceleration constraints set by the velocity smoother parameters.

We then search for the furthest pose along the trajectory where the ego footprint stays inside of the ego lane (calculate in step 2) and constraint the search to be between the minimum stopping distance and the 1st trajectory point with a collision to avoid (as determined in the previous step). The search is done by moving backward along the trajectory with a distance step set by the action.precision parameter.

We first do this search for a footprint expanded with the ego.extra_..._offset, action.longitudinal_distance_buffer and action.lateral_distance_buffer parameters. If no valid pose is found, we search again while only considering the extra offsets but without considering the distance buffers. If still no valid pose is found, we use the base ego footprint without any offset. In case no pose is found, we fallback to using the pose before the detected collision without caring if it is out of lane or not.

Whether it is decided to slow down or stop is determined by the distance between the ego vehicle and the trajectory point to avoid. If this distance is bellow the actions.slowdown.threshold, a velocity of actions.slowdown.velocity will be used. If the distance is bellow the actions.stop.threshold, a velocity of 0m/s will be used.

In addition, if parameter action.use_map_stop_lines is set to true, then the stop point may be moved to the earliest stop line preceding the stop point where ego can comfortably stop. Stop lines are defined in the vector map and must be attached to one of the lanelet followed by the ego trajectory.


About stability of the stop/slowdown pose#

As the input trajectory can change significantly between iterations, it is expected that the decisions of this module will also change. To make the decision more stable, a stop or slowdown pose is used for a minimum duration set by the action.min_duration parameter. If during that time a new pose closer to the ego vehicle is generated, then it replaces the previous one. Otherwise, the stop or slowdown pose will only be discarded after no out of lane collision is detection for the set duration.

Module Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
mode string [-] mode used to consider a dynamic object. Candidates: threshold, intervals, ttc
skip_if_already_overlapping bool [-] if true, do not run this module when ego already overlaps another lane
max_arc_length double [m] maximum trajectory arc length that is checked for out_of_lane collisions
Parameter /threshold Type Description
time_threshold double [s] consider objects that will reach an overlap within this time
Parameter /ttc Type Description
threshold double [s] consider objects with an estimated time to collision bellow this value while ego is on the overlap
Parameter /objects Type Description
minimum_velocity double [m/s] ignore objects with a velocity lower than this value
predicted_path_min_confidence double [-] minimum confidence required for a predicted path to be considered
cut_predicted_paths_beyond_red_lights bool [-] if true, predicted paths are cut beyond the stop line of red traffic lights
ignore_behind_ego bool [-] if true, objects behind the ego vehicle are ignored
Parameter /action Type Description
use_map_stop_lines bool [-] if true, try to stop at stop lines defined in the vector map
precision double [m] precision when inserting a stop pose in the trajectory
longitudinal_distance_buffer double [m] safety distance buffer to keep in front of the ego vehicle
lateral_distance_buffer double [m] safety distance buffer to keep on the side of the ego vehicle
min_duration double [s] minimum duration needed before a decision can be canceled
slowdown.distance_threshold double [m] insert a slow down when closer than this distance from an overlap
slowdown.velocity double [m] slow down velocity
stop.distance_threshold double [m] insert a stop when closer than this distance from an overlap
Parameter /ego Type Description
extra_front_offset double [m] extra front distance to add to the ego footprint
extra_rear_offset double [m] extra rear distance to add to the ego footprint
extra_left_offset double [m] extra left distance to add to the ego footprint
extra_right_offset double [m] extra right distance to add to the ego footprint