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external_cmd_converter is a node that converts desired mechanical input to acceleration and velocity by using accel/brake map.


How to calculate reference acceleration and velocity#

A reference acceleration and velocity are derived from the throttle and brake values of external control commands.

Reference Acceleration#

A reference acceleration is calculated from accel_brake_map based on values of a desired_pedal and a current velocity;

\[ pedal_d = throttle_d - brake_d, \]
\[ acc_{ref} = Acc(pedal_d, v_{x,current}). \]
Parameter Description
\(throttle_d\) throttle value of external control command (~/in/external_control_cmd.control.throttle)
\(brake_d\) brake value of external control command (~/in/external_control_cmd.control.brake)
\(v_{x,current}\) current longitudinal velocity (~/in/odometry.twist.twist.linear.x)
Acc accel_brake_map

Reference Velocity#

A reference velocity is calculated based on a current velocity and a reference acceleration:

\[ v_{ref} = v_{x,current} + k_{v_{ref}} \cdot \text{sign}_{gear} \cdot acc_{ref}. \]
Parameter Description
\(acc_{ref}\) reference acceleration
\(k_{v_{ref}}\) reference velocity gain
\(\text{sign}_{gear}\) gear command (~/in/shift_cmd) (Drive/Low: 1, Reverse: -1, Other: 0)

Input topics#

Name Type Description
~/in/external_control_cmd tier4_external_api_msgs::msg::ControlCommand target throttle/brake/steering_angle/steering_angle_velocity is necessary to calculate desired control command.
~/input/shift_cmd" autoware_vehicle_msgs::GearCommand current command of gear.
~/input/emergency_stop tier4_external_api_msgs::msg::Heartbeat emergency heart beat for external command.
~/input/current_gate_mode tier4_control_msgs::msg::GateMode topic for gate mode.
~/input/odometry navigation_msgs::Odometry twist topic in odometry is used.

Output topics#

Name Type Description
~/out/control_cmd autoware_control_msgs::msg::Control ackermann control command converted from selected external command


Parameter Type Description
ref_vel_gain_ double reference velocity gain
timer_rate double timer's update rate
wait_for_first_topic double if time out check is done after receiving first topic
control_command_timeout double time out check for control command
emergency_stop_timeout double time out check for emergency stop command

