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Collision Detector#


This module subscribes required data (ego-pose, obstacles, etc), and publishes diagnostics if an object is within a specific distance.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

Flow chart#


Check data#

Check that collision_detector receives no ground pointcloud, dynamic objects.

Object Filtering#

Recognition Assumptions#

  1. If the classification changes but it's considered the same object, the uuid does not change.
  2. It's possible for the same uuid to be recognized after being lost for a few frames.
  3. Once an object is determined to be excluded, it continues to be excluded for a certain period of time.

Filtering Process#

  1. Initial Recognition and Exclusion:

    • The system checks if a newly recognized object's classification is listed in nearby_object_type_filters.
    • If so, and the object is within the nearby_filter_radius, it is marked for exclusion.
  2. New Object Determination:

    • An object is considered "new" based on its UUID.
    • If the UUID is not found in recent frame data, the object is treated as new.
  3. Exclusion Mechanism:

    • Newly excluded objects are recorded by their UUID.
    • These objects continue to be excluded for a set period (keep_ignoring_time) as long as they maintain the classification specified in nearby_object_type_filters and remain within the nearby_filter_radius.

Get distance to nearest object#

Calculate distance between ego vehicle and the nearest object. In this function, it calculates the minimum distance between the polygon of ego vehicle and all points in pointclouds and the polygons of dynamic objects.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
/perception/obstacle_segmentation/pointcloud sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 Pointcloud of obstacles which the ego-vehicle should stop or avoid
/perception/object_recognition/objects autoware_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedObjects Dynamic objects
/tf tf2_msgs::msg::TFMessage TF
/tf_static tf2_msgs::msg::TFMessage TF static


Name Type Description
/diagnostics diagnostic_msgs::msg::DiagnosticArray Diagnostics


Name Type Description Default value
use_pointcloud bool Use pointcloud as obstacle check true
use_dynamic_object bool Use dynamic object as obstacle check true
collision_distance double Distance threshold at which an object is considered a collision. [m] 0.15
nearby_filter_radius double Distance range for filtering objects. Objects within this radius are considered. [m] 5.0
keep_ignoring_time double Time to keep filtering objects that first appeared in the vicinity [sec] 10.0
nearby_object_type_filters object of bool values Specifies which object types to filter. Only objects with true value will be filtered. {unknown: true, others: false}

Assumptions / Known limits#

  • This module is based on surround_obstacle_checker