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Control Validator#

The control_validator is a module that checks the validity of the output of the control component. The status of the validation can be viewed in the /diagnostics topic.


Supported features#

The following features are supported for the validation and can have thresholds set by parameters. The listed features below does not always correspond to the latest implementation.

Description Arguments Diagnostic equation Implemented function name
Inverse velocity: Measured velocity has a different sign from the target velocity. measured velocity \(v\), target velocity \(\hat{v}\), and threshold velocity parameter \(k\) \(v \hat{v} < 0, \quad \lvert v \rvert > k\) checkValidVelocityDeviation()
Overspeed: Measured speed exceeds target speed significantly. measured velocity \(v\), target velocity \(\hat{v}\), and threshold ratio parameter \(r\) \(\lvert v \rvert > (1 + r) \lvert \hat{v} \rvert\) checkValidVelocityDeviation()
  • Deviation check between reference trajectory and predicted trajectory : invalid when the largest deviation between the predicted trajectory and reference trajectory is greater than the given threshold.




The control_validator takes in the following inputs:

Name Type Description
~/input/kinematics nav_msgs/Odometry ego pose and twist
~/input/reference_trajectory autoware_planning_msgs/Trajectory reference trajectory which is outputted from planning module to to be followed
~/input/predicted_trajectory autoware_planning_msgs/Trajectory predicted trajectory which is outputted from control module


It outputs the following:

Name Type Description
~/output/validation_status control_validator/ControlValidatorStatus validator status to inform the reason why the trajectory is valid/invalid
/diagnostics diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus diagnostics to report errors


The following parameters can be set for the control_validator:

System parameters#

Name Type Description Default value
publish_diag bool if true, diagnostics msg is published. true
diag_error_count_threshold int the Diag will be set to ERROR when the number of consecutive invalid trajectory exceeds this threshold. (For example, threshold = 1 means, even if the trajectory is invalid, the Diag will not be ERROR if the next trajectory is valid.) true
display_on_terminal bool show error msg on terminal true

Algorithm parameters#


The input trajectory is detected as invalid if the index exceeds the following thresholds.

Name Type Description Default value
thresholds.max_distance_deviation double invalid threshold of the max distance deviation between the predicted path and the reference trajectory [m] 1.0
thresholds.max_reverse_velocity double threshold velocity to valid the vehicle velocity [m/s] WIP
thresholds.max_over_velocity_ratio double threshold ratio to valid the vehicle velocity [*] WIP