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Trajectory Follower Nodes#


Generate control commands to follow a given Trajectory.


This is a node of the functionalities implemented in the controller class derived from autoware_trajectory_follower_base package. It has instances of those functionalities, gives them input data to perform calculations, and publishes control commands.

By default, the controller instance with the Controller class as follows is used.

uml diagram

The process flow of Controller class is as follows.

// 1. create input data
const auto input_data = createInputData(*get_clock());
if (!input_data) {

// 2. check if controllers are ready
const bool is_lat_ready = lateral_controller_->isReady(*input_data);
const bool is_lon_ready = longitudinal_controller_->isReady(*input_data);
if (!is_lat_ready || !is_lon_ready) {

// 3. run controllers
const auto lat_out = lateral_controller_->run(*input_data);
const auto lon_out = longitudinal_controller_->run(*input_data);

// 4. sync with each other controllers

// 5. publish control command

Giving the longitudinal controller information about steer convergence allows it to control steer when stopped if following parameters are true

  • lateral controller
    • keep_steer_control_until_converged
  • longitudinal controller
    • enable_keep_stopped_until_steer_convergence

Inputs / Outputs / API#


  • autoware_planning_msgs/Trajectory : reference trajectory to follow.
  • nav_msgs/Odometry: current odometry
  • autoware_vehicle_msgs/SteeringReport current steering


  • autoware_control_msgs/Control: message containing both lateral and longitudinal commands.
  • autoware_control_msgs/ControlHorizon: message containing both lateral and longitudinal horizon commands. this is NOT published by default. by using this, the performance of vehicle control may be improved, and by turning the default on, it can be used as an experimental topic.


  • ctrl_period: control commands publishing period
  • timeout_thr_sec: duration in second after which input messages are discarded.
    • Each time the node receives lateral and longitudinal commands from each controller, it publishes an Control if the following two conditions are met.
      1. Both commands have been received.
      2. The last received commands are not older than defined by timeout_thr_sec.
  • lateral_controller_mode: mpc or pure_pursuit
    • (currently there is only PID for longitudinal controller)
  • enable_control_cmd_horizon_pub: publish ControlHorizon or not (default: false)


Debug information are published by the lateral and longitudinal controller using autoware_internal_debug_msgs/Float32MultiArrayStamped messages.

A configuration file for PlotJuggler is provided in the config folder which, when loaded, allow to automatically subscribe and visualize information useful for debugging.

In addition, the predicted MPC trajectory is published on topic output/lateral/predicted_trajectory and can be visualized in Rviz.