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occupancy grid based validator#

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

Compare the occupancy grid map with the DetectedObject, and if a larger percentage of obstacles are in freespace, delete them.

debug sample image

Basically, it takes an occupancy grid map as input and generates a binary image of freespace or other.

A mask image is generated for each DetectedObject and the average value (percentage) in the mask image is calculated. If the percentage is low, it is deleted.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
~/input/detected_objects autoware_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjects DetectedObjects
~/input/occupancy_grid_map nav_msgs::msg::OccupancyGrid OccupancyGrid with no time series calculation is preferred.


Name Type Description
~/output/objects autoware_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjects validated DetectedObjects


Name Type Description
mean_threshold float The percentage threshold of allowed non-freespace.
enable_debug bool Whether to display debug images or not?

Assumptions / Known limits#

Currently, only vehicle represented as BoundingBox are supported.