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This node is an outlier filter based on a occupancy grid map. Depending on the implementation of occupancy grid map, it can be called an outlier filter in time series, since the occupancy grid map expresses the occupancy probabilities in time series.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

  1. Use the occupancy grid map to separate point clouds into those with low occupancy probability and those with high occupancy probability.

  2. The point clouds that belong to the low occupancy probability are not necessarily outliers. In particular, the top of the moving object tends to belong to the low occupancy probability. Therefore, if use_radius_search_2d_filter is true, then apply an radius search 2d outlier filter to the point cloud that is determined to have a low occupancy probability.

    1. For each low occupancy probability point, determine the outlier from the radius (radius_search_2d_filter/search_radius) and the number of point clouds. In this case, the point cloud to be referenced is not only low occupancy probability points, but all point cloud including high occupancy probability points.
    2. The number of point clouds can be multiplied by radius_search_2d_filter/min_points_and_distance_ratio and distance from base link. However, the minimum and maximum number of point clouds is limited.

The following video is a sample. Yellow points are high occupancy probability, green points are low occupancy probability which is not an outlier, and red points are outliers. At around 0:15 and 1:16 in the first video, a bird crosses the road, but it is considered as an outlier.


Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
~/input/pointcloud sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Obstacle point cloud with ground removed.
~/input/occupancy_grid_map nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid A map in which the probability of the presence of an obstacle is occupancy probability map


Name Type Description
~/output/pointcloud sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Point cloud with outliers removed. trajectory
~/output/debug/outlier/pointcloud sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Point clouds removed as outliers.
~/output/debug/low_confidence/pointcloud sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Point clouds that had a low probability of occupancy in the occupancy grid map. However, it is not considered as an outlier.
~/output/debug/high_confidence/pointcloud sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 Point clouds that had a high probability of occupancy in the occupancy grid map. trajectory


Name Type Description Default Range
radius_search_2d_filter.search_radius float Radius when calculating the density 1.0 N/A
radius_search_2d_filter.min_points_and_distance_ratio float Threshold value of the number of point clouds per radius when the distance from baselink is 1m, because the number of point clouds varies with the distance from baselink 400.0 N/A
radius_search_2d_filter.min_points float Minimum number of point clouds per radius 4 N/A
radius_search_2d_filter.max_points float Maximum number of point clouds per radius 70 N/A
radius_search_2d_filter.max_filter_points_nb float Maximum number of point clouds to be filtered 15000 N/A
map_frame string map frame id map N/A
base_link_frame string base link frame id base_link N/A
cost_threshold float Cost threshold of occupancy grid map (0~100). 100 means 100% probability that there is an obstacle, close to 50 means that it is indistinguishable whether it is an obstacle or free space, 0 means that there is no obstacle 45 N/A
use_radius_search_2d_filter boolean Whether or not to apply density-based outlier filters to objects that are judged to have low probability of occupancy on the occupancy grid map True N/A
enable_debugger boolean Whether to output the point cloud for debugging False N/A

Assumptions / Known limits#

(Optional) Error detection and handling#

(Optional) Performance characterization#

(Optional) Future extensions / Unimplemented parts#