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This package outputs the probability of having an obstacle as occupancy grid map. pointcloud_based_occupancy_grid_map_sample_image


Occupancy grid map is generated on map_frame, and grid orientation is fixed.

You may need to choose scan_origin_frame and gridmap_origin_frame which means sensor origin and gridmap origin respectively. Especially, set your main LiDAR sensor frame (e.g. velodyne_top in sample_vehicle) as a scan_origin_frame would result in better performance.



  • binary bayes filter updater

    Name Type Description Default Range
    probability_matrix.occupied_to_occupied float Probability of transitioning from occupied to occupied state. 0.95 N/A
    probability_matrix.occupied_to_free float Probability of transitioning from occupied to free state. 0.05 N/A
    probability_matrix.free_to_occupied float Probability of transitioning from free to occupied state. 0.2 N/A
    probability_matrix.free_to_free float Probability of transitioning from free to free state. 0.8 N/A
    v_ratio float Ratio of the variance used in the filter. 0.1 N/A
  • grid map

    Name Type Description Default Range
    type string The type of grid map visualization. occupancy_grid N/A
    params.layer string The layer of the grid map visualization. filled_free_to_farthest N/A
    params.data_min float The minimum data value for the visualization. 0.0 N/A
    params.data_max float The maximum data value for the visualization. 100.0 N/A
  • laserscan based occupancy grid map

    Name Type Description Default Range
    use_height_filter boolean Flag to use height filter. 1 N/A
    min_height float Minimum height for the height filter. -1 N/A
    max_height float Maximum height for the height filter. 2 N/A
  • multi lidar pointcloud based occupancy grid map

    Name Type Description Default Range
    use_height_filter boolean Flag to use height filter. 1 N/A
    min_height float Minimum height for the height filter. -1 N/A
    max_height float Maximum height for the height filter. 2 N/A
  • pointcloud based occupancy grid map

    Name Type Description Default Range
    use_height_filter boolean Flag to use height filter. 1 N/A
    min_height float Minimum height for the height filter. -1 N/A
    max_height float Maximum height for the height filter. 2 N/A
  • synchronized grid map fusion

    Name Type Description Default Range
    fusion_input_ogm_topics array List of fusion input occupancy grid map topics. ['topic1', 'topic2'] N/A
    input_ogm_reliabilities array Reliability of each sensor for fusion. [0.8, 0.2] N/A
    fusion_method string Method for occupancy grid map fusion. overwrite ['overwrite', 'log-odds', 'dempster-shafer']
    match_threshold_sec float Time threshold for matching in seconds. 0.01 N/A
    timeout_sec float Timeout for synchronization in seconds. 0.1 N/A
    input_offset_sec array Offset for each input in seconds. [0.0, 0.0] N/A
    map_frame_ string The frame ID of the map. map N/A
    base_link_frame_ string The frame ID of the base link. base_link N/A
    grid_map_origin_frame_ string The frame ID of the grid map origin. base_link N/A
    fusion_map_length_x float The length of the fusion map in the x direction. 100.0 N/A
    fusion_map_length_y float The length of the fusion map in the y direction. 100.0 N/A
    fusion_map_resolution float The resolution of the fusion map. 0.5 N/A
    publish_processing_time_detail boolean True for showing detail of publish processing time. False N/A

Downsample input pointcloud(Optional)#

If you set downsample_input_pointcloud to true, the input pointcloud will be downsampled and following topics are also used. This feature is currently only for the pointcloud based occupancy grid map.

  • pointcloud_based_occupancy_grid_map method
# downsampled raw and obstacle pointcloud
  • multi_lidar_pointcloud_based_point_cloud
# downsampled raw and obstacle pointcloud


This package provides unit tests using gtest. You can run the test by the following command.

colcon test --packages-select autoware_probabilistic_occupancy_grid_map --event-handlers console_direct+

Test contains the following.

  • Unit test for cost value conversion function
  • Unit test for utility functions
  • Unit test for occupancy grid map fusion functions
  • Input/Output test for pointcloud based occupancy grid map