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This package provides a radar object tracking node that processes sequences of detected objects to assign consistent identities to them and estimate their velocities.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

This radar object tracker is a combination of data association and tracking algorithms.

Data Association#

The data association algorithm matches detected objects to existing tracks.

Tracker Models#

The tracker models used in this package vary based on the class of the detected object. See more details in the

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
~/input autoware_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjects Detected objects
/vector/map autoware_map_msgs::msg::LaneletMapBin Map data


Name Type Description
~/output autoware_perception_msgs::msg::TrackedObjects Tracked objects


Node Parameters#

Name Type Default Value Description
publish_rate double 10.0 The rate at which to publish the output messages
world_frame_id string "map" The frame ID of the world coordinate system
enable_delay_compensation bool false Whether to enable delay compensation. If set to true, output topic is published by timer with publish_rate.
tracking_config_directory string "./config/tracking/" The directory containing the tracking configuration files
enable_logging bool false Whether to enable logging
logging_file_path string "/tmp/association_log.json" The path to the file where logs should be written
tracker_lifetime double 1.0 The lifetime of the tracker in seconds
use_distance_based_noise_filtering bool true Whether to use distance based filtering
minimum_range_threshold double 70.0 Minimum distance threshold for filtering in meters
use_map_based_noise_filtering bool true Whether to use map based filtering
max_distance_from_lane double 5.0 Maximum distance from lane for filtering in meters
max_angle_diff_from_lane double 0.785398 Maximum angle difference from lane for filtering in radians
max_lateral_velocity double 5.0 Maximum lateral velocity for filtering in m/s
can_assign_matrix array An array of integers used in the data association algorithm
max_dist_matrix array An array of doubles used in the data association algorithm
max_area_matrix array An array of doubles used in the data association algorithm
min_area_matrix array An array of doubles used in the data association algorithm
max_rad_matrix array An array of doubles used in the data association algorithm
min_iou_matrix array An array of doubles used in the data association algorithm

See more details in the

Tracker parameters#

Currently, this package supports the following trackers:

  • linear_motion_tracker
  • constant_turn_rate_motion_tracker

Default settings for each tracker are defined in the ./config/tracking/, and described in

Assumptions / Known limits#

(Optional) Error detection and handling#

(Optional) Performance characterization#

(Optional) Future extensions / Unimplemented parts#