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This package converts from radar_msgs/msg/RadarTracks into autoware_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObject and autoware_perception_msgs/msg/TrackedObject.

  • Calculation cost is O(n).
    • n: The number of radar objects



Autoware uses radar_msgs/msg/RadarTracks.msg as radar objects input data. To use radar objects data for Autoware perception module easily, radar_tracks_msgs_converter converts message type from radar_msgs/msg/RadarTracks.msg to autoware_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObject. In addition, because many detection module have an assumption on base_link frame, radar_tracks_msgs_converter provide the functions of transform frame_id.


Radar_tracks_msgs_converter converts the label from radar_msgs/msg/RadarTrack.msg to Autoware label. Label id is defined as below.

RadarTrack Autoware
UNKNOWN 32000 0
CAR 32001 1
TRUCK 32002 2
BUS 32003 3
TRAILER 32004 4
BICYCLE 32006 6

Additional vendor-specific classifications are permitted starting from 32000 in radar_msgs/msg/RadarTrack.msg. Autoware objects label is defined in ObjectClassification



  • ~/input/radar_objects (radar_msgs/msg/RadarTracks.msg)
    • Input radar topic
  • ~/input/odometry (nav_msgs/msg/Odometry.msg)
    • Ego vehicle odometry topic


  • ~/output/radar_detected_objects (autoware_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObject.idl)
    • DetectedObject topic converted to Autoware message.
    • This is used for radar sensor fusion detection and radar detection.
  • ~/output/radar_tracked_objects (autoware_perception_msgs/msg/TrackedObject.idl)
    • TrackedObject topic converted to Autoware message.
    • This is used for tracking layer sensor fusion.


Parameter Summary#

Name Type Description Default Range
update_rate_hz float The update rate [hz] of the output topic 20.0 ≥0.0
new_frame_id string The header frame_id of the output topic base_link N/A
use_twist_compensation boolean Flag to enable the linear compensation of ego vehicle's twist false N/A
use_twist_yaw_compensation boolean Flag to enable the compensation of yaw rotation of ego vehicle's twist false N/A
static_object_speed_threshold float Threshold to treat detected objects as static objects 1.0 N/A

Parameter Description#

  • update_rate_hz (double) [hz]
    • Default parameter is 20.0

This parameter is update rate for the onTimer function. This parameter should be same as the frame rate of input topics.

  • new_frame_id (string)
    • Default parameter is "base_link"

This parameter is the header frame_id of the output topic.

  • use_twist_compensation (bool)
    • Default parameter is "true"

This parameter is the flag to use the compensation to linear of ego vehicle's twist. If the parameter is true, then the twist of the output objects' topic is compensated by the ego vehicle linear motion.

  • use_twist_yaw_compensation (bool)
    • Default parameter is "false"

This parameter is the flag to use the compensation to yaw rotation of ego vehicle's twist. If the parameter is true, then the ego motion compensation will also consider yaw motion of the ego vehicle.

  • static_object_speed_threshold (float) [m/s]
    • Default parameter is 1.0

This parameter is the threshold to determine the flag is_stationary. If the velocity is lower than this parameter, the flag is_stationary of DetectedObject is set to true and dealt as a static object.