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Avoidance module for static objects#



This is a rule-based avoidance module, which runs based on perception output data, HDMap, current path and route. This module is designed to create avoidance paths for static (=stopped) objects in simple situations. Currently, this module doesn't support dynamic (=moving) objects.


This module has an RTC interface, and the user can select operation mode from MANUAL/AUTO depending on the performance of the vehicle's sensors. If the user selects MANUAL mode, this module outputs a candidate avoidance path and awaits operator approval. In the case where the sensor/perception performance is insufficient and false positives occur, we recommend MANUAL mode to prevent unnecessary avoidance maneuvers.

If the user selects AUTO mode, this module modifies the current following path without operator approval. If the sensor/perception performance is sufficient, use AUTO mode.


This module allows developers to design vehicle behavior in avoidance planning using specific rules. Due to the property of rule-based planning, the algorithm cannot compensate for not colliding with obstacles in complex cases. This is a trade-off between "be intuitive and easy to design" and "be hard to tune but can handle many cases". This module adopts the former policy and therefore this output should be checked more strictly in the later stage. In the .iv reference implementation, there is another avoidance module in the motion planning module that uses optimization to handle the avoidance in complex cases. (Note that, the motion planner needs to be adjusted so that the behavior result will not be changed much in the simple case and this is a typical challenge for the behavior-motion hierarchical architecture.)

Why is avoidance in behavior module?#

This module executes avoidance over lanes, and the decision requires the lane structure information to take care of traffic rules (e.g. it needs to send an indicator signal when the vehicle crosses a lane). The difference between the motion and behavior modules in the planning stack is whether the planner takes traffic rules into account, which is why this avoidance module exists in the behavior module.

If you would like to know the overview rather than the detail, please skip the next section and refer to FAQ.

Inner workings/Algorithms#

This module mainly has two parts, target filtering and path generation. At first, all objects are filtered by several conditions. In this step, the module checks avoidance feasibility and necessity. After that, this module generates avoidance path outline, which we call shift line, based on filtered objects. The shift lines are set into path shifter, which is a library for path generation, to create a smooth shift path. Additionally, this module has a feature to check non-target objects so that the ego can avoid target objects safely. This feature receives a generated avoidance path and surrounding objects, and judges the current situation. Lastly, this module updates current ego behavior.

uml diagram

Target object filtering#


The module uses the following conditions to filter avoidance target objects.

Check condition Target class Details If conditions are not met
Is an avoidance target class object? All Use can select avoidance target class from config file. Never avoid it.
Is a stopped object? All Objects keep higher speed than th_moving_speed for longer period of time than th_moving_time is judged as moving. Never avoid it.
Is within detection area? All The module creates detection area to filter target objects roughly based on lateral margin in config file. (see here) Never avoid it.
Isn't there enough lateral distance between the object and path? All - Never avoid it.
Is near the centerline of ego lane? All - It depends on other conditions.
Is there a crosswalk near the object? Pedestrian, Bicycle The module doesn't avoid the Pedestrian and Bicycle nearer the crosswalk because the ego should stop in front of it if they're crossing the road. (see here) Never avoid it.
Is the distance between the object and traffic light along the path longer than the threshold? Car, Truck, Bus, Trailer The module uses this condition when there is ambiguity about whether the vehicle is parked. It depends on other conditions.
Is the distance between the object and crosswalk light along the path longer than threshold? Car, Truck, Bus, Trailer Same as above. It depends on other conditions.
Is the stopping time longer than threshold? Car, Truck, Bus, Trailer Same as above. It depends on other conditions.
Is within intersection? Car, Truck, Bus, Trailer The module assumes that there isn't any parked vehicle within intersection. It depends on other conditions.
Is on ego lane? Car, Truck, Bus, Trailer - It depends on other conditions.
Is a parked vehicle? Car, Truck, Bus, Trailer The module judges whether the vehicle is a parked vehicle based on its lateral offset. (see here) It depends on other conditions.
Is merging into ego lane from other lane? Car, Truck, Bus, Trailer The module judges the vehicle behavior based on its yaw angle and offset direction. (see here) It depends on other conditions.
Is merging into other lane from ego lane? Car, Truck, Bus, Trailer Same as above. It depends on other conditions.

Common conditions#

Detection area#

The module generates detection area for target filtering based on the following parameters:

      # avoidance is performed for the object type with true
            soft_margin: 0.3                            # [m]
            hard_margin: 0.2                            # [m]
            hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle: 0.7         # [m]
      # For target object filtering
        # detection area generation parameters
          static: false                                 # [-]
          min_forward_distance: 50.0                    # [m]
          max_forward_distance: 150.0                   # [m]
          backward_distance: 10.0                       # [m]
Width of detection area#
  1. Get the largest lateral margin of all classes (Car, Truck, ...). The margin is the sum of soft_margin and hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle.
  2. The detection area width is the sum of ego vehicle width and the largest lateral margin.
Longitudinal distance of detection area#

If the parameter detection_area.static is set to true, the module creates detection area whose longitudinal distance is max_forward_distance.

If the parameter detection_area.static is set to false, the module creates a detection area so that the ego can avoid objects with minimum lateral jerk value. Thus, the longitudinal distance depends on maximum lateral shift length, lateral jerk constraints and current ego speed. Additionally, it has to consider the distance used for the preparation phase.

    const auto max_shift_length = std::max(
      std::abs(parameters_->max_right_shift_length), std::abs(parameters_->max_left_shift_length));
    const auto dynamic_distance =
      PathShifter::calcLongitudinalDistFromJerk(max_shift_length, getLateralMinJerkLimit(), speed);

    return std::clamp(
      1.5 * dynamic_distance + getNominalPrepareDistance(),



Conditions for non-vehicle type objects#

For crosswalk users#

If Pedestrian and Bicycle are closer to crosswalk than threshold 2.0m (hard coded for now), the module judges they're crossing the road and never avoids them.


Conditions for vehicle type objects#

Judge vehicle behavior#

The module classifies vehicles into the following three behaviors based on yaw angle and offset direction.

# params for filtering objects that are in intersection
  yaw_deviation: 0.349 # [rad] (default 20.0deg)
Behavior Details Figure
NONE If the object's relative yaw angle to lane is less than threshold yaw_deviation, it is classified into NONE. fig
MERGING See following flowchart. fig
DEVIATING See following flowchart. fig

uml diagram

Judge if it's a parked vehicle#

Not only the length from the centerline, but also the length from the road shoulder is calculated and used for the filtering process. In this logic, it calculates ratio of actual shift length to shiftable shift length as follows. If the result is larger than threshold th_shiftable_ratio, the module judges the vehicle is a parked vehicle.

\[ L_{d} = \frac{W_{lane} - W_{obj}}{2}, \\ ratio = \frac{L_{a}}{L_{d}} \]
  • \(L_{d}\) : shiftable length.
  • \(L_{a}\) : actual shift length.
  • \(W_{lane}\) : lane width.
  • \(W_{obj}\) : object width.


Target object filtering#

Situation Details Ego behavior
Vehicle is within intersection area defined in HDMap. The module ignores vehicles following a lane or merging into ego lane. fig Never avoid it.
Vehicle is on ego lane. There are adjacent lanes for both sides. fig Never avoid it.
Vehicle is merging into other lane from ego lane. Most of its footprint is on ego lane. fig Never avoid it.
Vehicle is merging into ego lane from other lane. Most of its footprint is on ego lane. fig Never avoid it.
Vehicle does not appear to be parked and is stopped in front of a crosswalk or traffic light. fig Never avoid it.
Vehicle stops on ego lane while pulling over to the side of the road. fig Avoid it immediately.
Vehicle stops on adjacent lane. fig Avoid it immediately.
Vehicle stops on ego lane without pulling over to the side of the road. fig Set the parameter avoidance_for_ambiguous_vehicle.enable to true, the module avoids ambiguous vehicle.
Vehicle is merging into ego lane from other lane. fig Set the parameter avoidance_for_ambiguous_vehicle.enable to true, the module avoids ambiguous vehicle.
Vehicle is merging into other lane from ego lane. fig Set the parameter avoidance_for_ambiguous_vehicle.enable to true, the module avoids ambiguous vehicle.


There are three main filtering functions isSatisfiedWithCommonCondition(), isSatisfiedWithVehicleCondition() and isSatisfiedWithNonVehicleCondition(). The filtering process is executed according to the following flowchart. Additionally, the module checks avoidance necessity in isNoNeedAvoidanceBehavior() based on the object pose, ego path and lateral margin in the config file.

uml diagram

Common conditions#

At first, the function isSatisfiedWithCommonCondition() includes conditions used for all object classes.

uml diagram

Conditions for vehicle#

Target class:

  • Car
  • Truck
  • Bus
  • Trailer

As a next step, the object is filtered by a condition specialized for its class.

uml diagram

uml diagram

uml diagram

Conditions for non-vehicle objects#

  • Pedestrian
  • Bicycle

uml diagram

When target object has gone#

User can select the ego behavior when the target object has gone.

  enable: true # [-]

If the above parameter is true, this module reverts avoidance path when the following conditions are met.

  • All target objects have gone.
  • The ego vehicle hasn't initiated avoidance maneuver yet.


If the parameter is false, this module keeps running even after the target object has gone.

Path generation#

How to prevent shift line chattering that is caused by perception noise#

Since the object recognition result contains noise related to position, orientation and polygon shape, if the module uses the raw object recognition results in path generation, the output path will be directly affected by the noise. Therefore, in order to reduce the influence of the noise, this module generates a polygon for each target object, and the output path is generated based on that.


The envelope polygon is a rectangle box, whose size depends on the object's polygon and buffer parameter envelope_buffer_margin. Additionally, it is always parallel to the reference path. When the module finds a target object for the first time, it initializes the polygon.

          envelope_buffer_margin: 0.5                   # [m] FOR DEVELOPER


The module creates a one-shot envelope polygon by using the latest object pose and raw polygon in every planning cycle. On the other hand, the module uses the envelope polygon information created in the last planning cycle in order to update the envelope polygon with consideration of the pose covariance.

If the pose covariance is smaller than the threshold, the envelope polygon would be updated according to the following logic. If the one-shot envelope polygon is not within the previous envelope polygon, the module creates a new envelope polygon. Otherwise, it keeps the previous envelope polygon.


When the pose covariance is larger than the threshold, it is compared with the maximum pose covariance of each object. If the value is smaller, the one-shot envelope polygon is used directly as the envelope polygon. Otherwise, it keeps the previous envelope polygon.

By doing this process, the envelope polygon size and pose will converge even if perception output includes noise in object pose or shape.

Relationship between envelope polygon and avoidance path#

The avoidance path has two shift sections, whose start or end point position depends on the envelope polygon. The end point of the avoidance shift section and start point of the return shift section are fixed based on the envelope polygon and the other side edges are dynamically changed based on ego speed, shift length, lateral jerk constraints, etc.

The lateral positions of the two points are decided so that there can be enough space (=lateral margin) between ego body and the most overhang point of the envelope polygon edge points. User can adjust lateral margin with the following parameters.

            soft_margin: 0.3                            # [m]
            hard_margin: 0.2                            # [m]
            hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle: 0.7         # [m]

The longitudinal positions depends on the envelope polygon, ego vehicle specification and the following parameters. The longitudinal distance between avoidance shift section end point and envelope polygon (=front longitudinal buffer) is the sum of front_overhang defined in vehicle_info.param.yaml and longitudinal_margin if the parameter consider_front_overhang is true. If consider_front_overhang is false, only longitudinal_margin is considered. Similarly, the distance between the return shift section start point and envelope polygon (=rear longitudinal buffer) is the sum of rear_overhang and longitudinal_margin.

          longitudinal_margin: 0.0                      # [m]

          consider_front_overhang: true                 # [-]
          consider_rear_overhang: true                  # [-]


Lateral margin#

As mentioned above, user can adjust lateral margin by changing the following two types of parameters. The soft_margin is a soft constraint parameter for lateral margin. The hard_margin and hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle are hard constraint parameters.

            soft_margin: 0.3                            # [m]
            hard_margin: 0.2                            # [m]
            hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle: 0.7         # [m]

Basically, this module tries to generate an avoidance path in order to keep lateral distance, which is the sum of soft_margin and hard_margin/hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle, from the avoidance target object.


But if there isn't enough space to keep soft_margin distance, this module shortens soft constraint lateral margin. The parameter soft_margin is a maximum value of soft constraint, and actual soft margin can be a value between 0.0 and soft_margin. On the other hand, this module definitely keeps hard_margin or hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle depending on the situation. Thus, the minimum value of total lateral margin is hard_margin/hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle, and the maximum value is the sum of hard_margin/hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle and soft_margin.

The following figure shows the situation where this module shortens lateral soft constraint in order not to drive in the opposite lane when user sets parameter use_lane_type to same_direction_lane.


This module avoids not only parked vehicles but also non-parked vehicles that stop temporarily for some reason (e.g. waiting for traffic light to change from red to green). Additionally, this module has two types of hard margin parameters, hard_margin and hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle and judges if it is a parked vehicle or not for each vehicle because it takes the risk of vehicle doors opening suddenly and people getting out from parked vehicles into consideration.

Users should set hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle larger than hard_margin to prevent collisions with doors or people who suddenly exit a vehicle.

This module has only one parameter soft_margin for soft lateral margin constraint.


As the hard margin parameters define the distance the user definitely wants to maintain, they are used in the logic to check whether the ego can pass the side of the target object without executing an avoidance maneuver as well.

If the lateral distance is less than hard_margin/hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle when assuming that the ego follows the current lane without an avoidance maneuver, this module thinks the ego can not pass the side of the object safely and the ego must avoid it. In this case, this module inserts a stop point until the avoidance maneuver is allowed to execute so that the ego can avoid the object after approval. (For example, the ego keeps stopping in front of such an object until the operator approves the avoidance maneuver if the module is in MANUAL mode.)


On the other hand, if the lateral distance is larger than hard_margin/hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle, this module doesn't insert a stop point even when it is waiting for approval because it thinks it is possible to pass the side of the object safely.


When there is not enough space#

This module inserts a stop point only when the ego can potentially avoid the object. So, if it is not able to keep a distance more than hard_margin/hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle, this module does nothing. The following figure shows the situation where this module is not able to keep enough lateral distance when the user sets parameter use_lane_type to same_direction_lane.



In this situation, the obstacle stop feature in obstacle_cruise_planner is responsible for ego vehicle safety.


Shift length calculation#

The lateral shift length is the sum of overhang_distance, lateral margin, whose value is set in the config file, and half of ego vehicle width defined in vehicle_info.param.yaml. On the other hand, the module limits the shift length depending on the space the module can use for an avoidance maneuver and the parameters soft_drivable_bound_margin hard_drivable_bound_margin. Basically, the shift length is limited so that the ego doesn't get closer than soft_drivable_bound_margin to the drivable boundary. But the module allows the threshold to be relaxed from soft_drivable_bound_margin to hard_drivable_bound_margin when the road is narrow.


Usable lanes for the avoidance module can be selected using the config file.

      # drivable lane setting. This module is able to use not only current lane but also right/left lane
      # if the current lane(=lanelet::Lanelet) and the right/left lane share the boundary(=lanelet::Linestring) in HDMap.
      # "current_lane"           : use only current lane. This module doesn't use adjacent lane to avoid object.
      # "same_direction_lane"    : this module uses same direction lane to avoid object if needed.
      # "opposite_direction_lane": this module uses both same direction and opposite direction lanes.
      use_lane_type: "opposite_direction_lane"

When user set parameter use_lane_type to opposite_direction_lane, it is possible to use opposite lane.


When user set parameter use_lane_type to same_direction_lane, the module doesn't create path that overlaps opposite lane.


Shift line generation#

As mentioned above, the end point of the avoidance shift path and the start point of the return shift path, which are FIXED points, are calculated from envelope polygon. As a next step, the module adjusts the other side points depending on shift length, current ego speed and lateral jerk constrain params defined in the config file.

Since the two points are always on the centerline of the ego lane, the module only calculates longitudinal distance between the shift start and end point based on the following function. This function is defined in the path shifter library. See this page as well.

double PathShifter::calcLongitudinalDistFromJerk(
  const double lateral, const double jerk, const double velocity)
  const double j = std::abs(jerk);
  const double l = std::abs(lateral);
  const double v = std::abs(velocity);
  if (j < 1.0e-8) {
    return 1.0e10;
  return 4.0 * std::pow(0.5 * l / j, 1.0 / 3.0) * v;

We call the line that connects shift start and end point shift_line, which the avoidance path is generated from with spline completion.

The start point of avoidance has another longitudinal constraint. In order to keep turning on the blinker for a few seconds before starting the avoidance maneuver, the avoidance start point must be further than the value (we call the distance prepare_length.) depending on ego speed from ego position.

  min_prepare_time: 1.0 # [s]
  max_prepare_time: 2.0 # [s]
  min_prepare_distance: 1.0 # [m]

The prepare_length is calculated as the product of ego speed and max_prepare_time. (When the ego speed is zero, min_prepare_distance is used.)


Planning at RED traffic light#

This module takes traffic light information into account so that the ego can behave properly. Sometimes, the ego straddles the lane boundary but we want to prevent the ego from stopping in front of a red traffic signal in such a situation. This is because the ego will block adjacent lanes and it is inconvenient for other vehicles.


So, this module controls shift length and shift start/end point in order to prevent the above situation.

Control shift length#

At first, if the ego hasn't initiated an avoidance maneuver yet, this module limits maximum shift length and uses ONLY current lane during a red traffic signal. This prevents the ego from blocking other vehicles even if this module executes the avoidance maneuver and the ego is caught by a red traffic signal.


Control avoidance shift start point#

Additionally, if the target object is farther than the stop line of the traffic light, this module sets the avoidance shift start point on the stop line in order to prevent the ego from stopping at a red traffic signal in the middle of an avoidance maneuver.

fig fig

Control return shift end point#

If the ego has already initiated an avoidance maneuver, this module tries to set the return shift end point on the stop line.

fig fig

Safety check#

This feature can be enabled by setting the following parameter to true.

        enable: true                                    # [-]

This module pays attention not only to avoidance target objects but also non-target objects that are near the avoidance path, and if the avoidance path is unsafe due to surrounding objects, it reverts the avoidance maneuver and yields the lane to them.


Yield maneuver#

Additionally, this module basically inserts a stop point in front of an avoidance target during yielding maneuvers in order to keep enough distance to avoid the target when it is safe to do so. If the shift side lane is congested, the ego stops at a point and waits.

This feature can be enabled by setting the following parameter to true.

  enable: true # [-]


But if the lateral margin is larger than hard_margin (or hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle), this module doesn't insert a stop point because the ego can pass the side of the object safely without an avoidance maneuver.


Safety check target lane#

User can select the safety check area with the following parameters. Basically, we recommend the following configuration to check only the shift side lane. If users want to confirm safety strictly, please set check_current_lane and/or check_other_side_lane to true.

        check_current_lane: false                       # [-]
        check_shift_side_lane: true                     # [-]
        check_other_side_lane: false                    # [-]

In the avoidance module, the function path_safety_checker::isCentroidWithinLanelet is used for filtering objects by lane.

bool isCentroidWithinLanelet(const PredictedObject & object, const lanelet::ConstLanelet & lanelet)
  const auto & object_pos = object.kinematics.initial_pose_with_covariance.pose.position;
  lanelet::BasicPoint2d object_centroid(object_pos.x, object_pos.y);
  return boost::geometry::within(object_centroid, lanelet.polygon2d().basicPolygon());


If check_current_lane and/or check_other_side_lane are set to true, the possibility of false positives and unnecessary yield maneuvers increase.

Safety check algorithm#

This module uses common safety check logic implemented in path_safety_checker library. See this page.



The current behavior when the module judges it is unsafe is so conservative because it is difficult to achieve aggressive maneuvers (e.g. increase speed in order to increase the distance from rear vehicle) for current planning architecture.


The yield maneuver is executed ONLY when the vehicle has NOT initiated avoidance maneuver yet. (This module checks objects in the opposite lane but it is necessary to find very far objects to judge whether it is unsafe before avoidance maneuver.) If it detects a vehicle which is approaching the ego during an avoidance maneuver, this module doesn't revert the path or insert a stop point. For now, there is no feature to deal with this situation in this module. Thus, a new module is needed to adjust the path to avoid moving objects, or an operator must override.


This module has a threshold parameter th_avoid_execution for the shift length, and judges that the vehicle is initiating avoidance if the vehicle current shift exceeds the value.

Other features#

Compensation for detection lost#

In order to prevent chattering of recognition results, once an obstacle is targeted, it is held for a while even if it disappears. This is effective when recognition is unstable. However, since it will result in over-detection (increases number of false-positives), it is necessary to adjust parameters according to the recognition accuracy (if object_last_seen_threshold = 0.0, the recognition result is 100% trusted).

Drivable area expansion#

This module supports drivable area expansion for following polygons defined in HDMap.

  • Intersection area
  • Hatched road marking
  • Freespace area

Please set the flags to true when user wants to make it possible to use those areas in avoidance maneuvers.

# drivable lane setting. This module is able to use not only current lane but also right/left lane
# if the current lane(=lanelet::Lanelet) and the right/left lane share the boundary(=lanelet::Linestring) in HDMap.
# "current_lane"           : use only current lane. This module doesn't use adjacent lane to avoid object.
# "same_direction_lane"    : this module uses the same direction lane to avoid object if needed.
# "opposite_direction_lane": this module uses both same direction and opposite direction lanes.
use_lane_type: "opposite_direction_lane"
# drivable area setting
use_intersection_areas: true
use_hatched_road_markings: true
use_freespace_areas: true
use_lane_type: same_direction_lane fig
use_lane_type: opposite_direction_lane fig
intersection area fig The intersection area is defined on Lanelet map. See here
hatched road markings fig The hatched road marking is defined on Lanelet map. See here
freespace area fig The freespace area is defined on Lanelet map. (unstable)

Future extensions/Unimplemented parts#

  • Consideration of the speed of the avoidance target

    • In the current implementation, only stopped vehicle is targeted as an avoidance target. It is needed to support the overtaking function for low-speed vehicles, such as a bicycle. (It is actually possible to overtake the low-speed objects by changing the parameter, but the logic is not supported and thus the safety cannot be guaranteed.)
    • Overtaking (e.g., to overtake a vehicle running in front at 20 km/h at 40 km/h) may need to be handled outside the avoidance module. It should be discussed which module should handle it.
  • Cancel avoidance when target disappears

    • In the current implementation, even if the avoidance target disappears, the avoidance path will remain. If there is no longer a need to avoid, it must be canceled.
  • Improved performance of avoidance target selection

    • Essentially, avoidance targets are judged based on whether they are static objects or not. For example, a vehicle waiting at a traffic light should not be avoided because we know that it will start moving in the future. However this decision cannot be made in the current Autoware due to the lack of perception functions. Therefore, the current avoidance module limits the avoidance target to vehicles parked on the shoulder of the road, and executes avoidance only for vehicles that are stopped away from the center of the lane. However, this logic cannot avoid a vehicle that has broken down and is stopped in the center of the lane, which should be recognized as a static object by the perception module. There is room for improvement in the performance of this decision.
  • Resampling path
    • Now the rough resolution resampling is processed to the output path in order to reduce the computational cost for the later modules. This resolution is set to a uniformly large value (e.g. 5m), but a small resolution should be applied for complex paths.


Show RCLCPP_DEBUG on console#

All debug messages are logged in the following namespaces.

  • planning.scenario_planning.lane_driving.behavior_planning.behavior_path_planner.static_obstacle_avoidance or,
  • planning.scenario_planning.lane_driving.behavior_planning.behavior_path_planner.static_obstacle_avoidance.utils

User can see debug information with the following command.

ros2 service call /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/config_logger logging_demo/srv/ConfigLogger "{logger_name: 'planning.scenario_planning.lane_driving.behavior_planning.behavior_path_planner.static_obstacle_avoidance', level: DEBUG}"

Visualize debug markers#

User can enable publishing of debug markers with the following parameters.

  enable_other_objects_marker: false
  enable_other_objects_info: false
  enable_detection_area_marker: false
  enable_drivable_bound_marker: false
  enable_safety_check_marker: false
  enable_shift_line_marker: false
  enable_lane_marker: false
  enable_misc_marker: false


Echoing debug message to find out why the objects were ignored#

If for some reason, no shift point is generated for your object, you can check for the failure reason via ros2 topic echo.


To print the debug message, just run the following

ros2 topic echo /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/debug/avoidance_debug_message_array

Frequently asked questions#

Target objects#

Does it avoid static objects and dynamic objects?#

This module avoids static (stopped) objects and does not support dynamic (moving) objects avoidance. Dynamic objects are handled within the dynamic obstacle avoidance module.

What type (class) of object would it avoid?#

It avoids cars, trucks, buses, trailers, bicycles, motorcycles, pedestrians, and unknown objects by default. Details are in the Target object filtering section. The above objects are divided into vehicle type objects and non-vehicle type objects; the target object filtering would differ for vehicle types and non-vehicle types.

  • Vehicle type objects: Car, Truck, Bus, Trailer, Motorcycle
  • Non-vehicle type objects: Pedestrian, Bicycle

How does it judge if it is a target object or not?#

The conditions for vehicle type objects and non-vehicle type objects are different. However, the main idea is that static objects on road shoulders within the planned path would be avoided. Below are some examples when an avoidance path is generated for vehicle type objects.

  • Vehicle stopping on ego lane while pulling over to the side of the road
  • Vehicle stopping on adjacent lane

For more details refer to vehicle type object and non-vehicle object.

What is an ambiguous target?#

An ambiguous target refers to objects that may not be clearly identifiable as avoidance target due to limitations of current Autoware (ex. parked vehicle in the center of a lane). This module will avoid clearly defined static objects automatically, whereas ambiguous targets would need some operator intervention.

How can I visualize the target object?#

Target objects can be visualized using RViz, where the module's outputs, such as detected obstacles and planned avoidance paths, are displayed. For further information refer to the debug marker section.

How can I check the lateral distance to an obstacle?#

Currently, there isn't any topic that outputs the relative position with the ego vehicle and target object. Visual confirmation on RViz would be the only solution for now.

Does it avoid multiple objects at once?#

Yes, the module is capable of avoiding multiple static objects simultaneously. It generates multiple shift lines and calculates an avoidance path that navigates around each object. Details are explained in the How to decide path shape section.

Area used when avoiding#

Which lanes are used to avoid objects?#

This module is able to use not only the current lane but also adjacent lanes and opposite lanes. Usable lanes can be selected by the configuration file as noted in the shift length calculation section. It is assumed that there are no parked vehicles on the central lane in a situation where there are lanes on the left and right.

Would it avoid objects inside intersections?#

Basically, the module assumes that there are no parked vehicles within intersections. Vehicles that follow the lane or merge into ego lane are non-target objects. Vehicles waiting to make a right/left turn within an intersection can be avoided by expanding the drivable area in the configuration file, as noted in the drivable area expansion section.

Does it generate avoidance paths for any road type?#

Drivable area can be expanded in the configuration file, as noted in the drivable area expansion section.

Path generation#

How is the avoidance path generated?#

The avoidance path is generated by modifying the current reference path to navigate around detected static objects. This is done using a rule-based shift line approach that ensures the vehicle remains within safe boundaries and follows the road while avoiding obstacles. Details are explained in the appendix.

Which way (right or left) is the avoidance path generated?#

The behavior of avoiding depends on the target vehicle's center of gravity. If the target object is on the left side of the ego lane the avoidance would be generated on the right side. Currently, avoiding left-shifted obstacles from the left side is not supported (same for right-shifted objects).

Why is an envelope polygon used for the target object?#

It is employed to reduce the influence of the perception/tracking noise for each target object. The envelope polygon is a rectangle, whose size depends on the object's polygon and buffer parameter and it is always parallel to the reference path. The envelope polygon is created by using the latest one-shot envelope polygon and the previous envelope polygon. Details are explained in How to prevent shift line chattering that is caused by perception noise section.

What happens if the module cannot find a safe avoidance path?#

If the module cannot find a safe avoidance path, the vehicle may stop or continue along its current path without performing an avoidance maneuver. If there is a target object and there is enough space to avoid, the ego vehicle would stop at a position where an avoidance path could be generated; this is called the yield manuever. On the other hand, where there is not enough space, this module has nothing to do and the obstacle cruise planner would be in charge of the object.

There seems to be an avoidance path, but the vehicle stops. What is happening?#

This situation occurs when the module is operating in AUTO mode and the target object is ambiguous or when operating in MANUAL mode. The generated avoidance path is presented as a candidate and requires operator approval before execution. If the operator does not approve the path the ego vehicle would stop where it is possible to generate an avoidance path.


What are the benefits of using MANUAL mode over AUTO mode?#

MANUAL mode allows the operator to have direct control over the approval of avoidance paths, which is particularly useful in situations where sensor data may be unreliable or ambiguous. This mode helps prevent unnecessary or incorrect avoidance maneuvers by requiring human validation before execution. It is recommended for environments where false positives are likely or when the sensor/perception system's performance is limited.

Can this module be customized for specific vehicle types or environments?#

The module can be customized by adjusting the rules and parameters that define how it identifies and avoids obstacles. The avoidance manuever would not be changed by specific vehicle types.

Appendix: Shift line generation pipeline#

Flow chart of the process#

uml diagram

How to decide the path shape#

Generate shift points for obstacles with a given lateral jerk. These points are integrated to generate an avoidance path. The detailed process flow for each case corresponding to the obstacle placement are described below. The actual implementation is not separated for each case, but the function corresponding to multiple obstacle case (both directions) is always running.

One obstacle case#

The lateral shift distance to the obstacle is calculated, and then the shift point is generated from the ego vehicle speed and the given lateral jerk as shown in the figure below. A smooth avoidance path is then calculated based on the shift point.

Additionally, the following processes are executed in special cases.

Lateral jerk relaxation conditions#

  • If the ego vehicle is close to the avoidance target, the lateral jerk will be relaxed up to the maximum jerk.
  • When returning to the center line after avoidance, if there is not enough distance left to the goal (end of path), the jerk condition will be relaxed as above.

Minimum velocity relaxation conditions#

There is a problem that we cannot know the actual speed during avoidance in advance. This is especially critical when the ego vehicle speed is 0. To solve that, this module provides a parameter for the minimum avoidance speed, which is used for the lateral jerk calculation when the vehicle speed is low.

  • If the ego vehicle speed is lower than "nominal" minimum speed, use the minimum speed in the calculation of the jerk.
  • If the ego vehicle speed is lower than "sharp" minimum speed and a nominal lateral jerk is not enough for avoidance (the case where the ego vehicle is stopped close to the obstacle), use the "sharp" minimum speed in the calculation of the jerk (it should be lower than "nominal" speed).


Multiple obstacle case (one direction)#

Generate shift points for multiple obstacles. All of them are merged to generate new shift points along the reference path. The new points are filtered (e.g. remove small-impact shift points), and the avoidance path is computed for the filtered shift points.

Merge process of raw shift points: check the shift length on each path point. If the shift points are overlapped, the maximum shift value is selected for the same direction.

For the details of the shift point filtering, see filtering for shift points.


Multiple obstacle case (both direction)#

Generate shift points for multiple obstacles. All of them are merged to generate new shift points. If there are areas where the desired shifts conflict in different directions, the sum of the maximum shift amounts of these areas is used as the final shift amount. The rest of the process is the same as in the case of one direction.


Filtering for shift points#

The shift points are modified by a filtering process in order to get the expected shape of the avoidance path. It contains the following filters.

  • Quantization: Quantize the avoidance width in order to ignore small shifts.
  • Small shifts removal: Shifts with small changes with respect to the previous shift point are unified in the previous shift width.
  • Similar gradient removal: Connect two shift points with a straight line, and remove the shift points in between if their shift amount is in the vicinity of the straight line.
  • Remove momentary returns: For shift points that reduce the avoidance width (for going back to the center line), if there is enough long distance in the longitudinal direction, remove them.

Appendix: All parameters#

Location of the avoidance specific parameter configuration file: src/autoware/launcher/planning_launch/config/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/autoware_behavior_path_static_obstacle_avoidance_module/static_obstacle_avoidance.param.yaml.

Name Type Description Default Range
resample_interval_for_planning float Path resample interval for avoidance planning path. 0.3 N/A
resample_interval_for_output float Path resample interval for output path. Too short interval increases computational cost for latter modules. 4.0 N/A
path_generation_method string Path generation method. shift_line_base ['shift_line_base', 'optimization_base', 'both']
use_lane_type string Drivable lane configuration. opposite_direction_lane ['current_lane', 'same_direction_lane', 'opposite_direction_lane']
use_hatched_road_markings boolean Extend drivable to hatched road marking area. true N/A
use_intersection_areas boolean Extend drivable to intersection area. true N/A
use_freespace_areas boolean Extend drivable to freespace area. true N/A
car.th_moving_speed float Objects with speed greater than this will be judged as moving ones. 1.0 ≥0.0
car.th_moving_time float Objects keep moving longer duration than this will be excluded from avoidance target. 1.0 N/A
car.longitudinal_margin float Creates an additional longitudinal gap that will prevent the vehicle from getting to near to the obstacle. 0.0 N/A
lateral_margin.soft_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.3 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.2 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.7 N/A
car.envelope_buffer_margin float The buffer between raw boundary box of detected objects and enveloped polygon that is used for avoidance path generation. 0.5 N/A
car.max_expand_ratio float This value will be applied envelope_buffer_margin according to the distance between the ego and object. 0.0 N/A
car.th_error_eclipse_long_radius float This value will be applied to judge whether the eclipse error is to large 0.6 N/A
truck.th_moving_speed float Objects with speed greater than this will be judged as moving ones. 1.0 ≥0.0
truck.th_moving_time float Objects keep moving longer duration than this will be excluded from avoidance target. 1.0 N/A
truck.longitudinal_margin float Creates an additional longitudinal gap that will prevent the vehicle from getting to near to the obstacle. 0.0 N/A
lateral_margin.soft_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.3 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.2 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.7 N/A
truck.envelope_buffer_margin float The buffer between raw boundary box of detected objects and enveloped polygon that is used for avoidance path generation. 0.5 N/A
truck.max_expand_ratio float This value will be applied envelope_buffer_margin according to the distance between the ego and object. 0.0 N/A
truck.th_error_eclipse_long_radius float This value will be applied to judge whether the eclipse error is to large 0.6 N/A
bus.th_moving_speed float Objects with speed greater than this will be judged as moving ones. 1.0 ≥0.0
bus.th_moving_time float Objects keep moving longer duration than this will be excluded from avoidance target. 1.0 N/A
bus.longitudinal_margin float Creates an additional longitudinal gap that will prevent the vehicle from getting to near to the obstacle. 0.0 N/A
lateral_margin.soft_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.3 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.2 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.7 N/A
bus.envelope_buffer_margin float The buffer between raw boundary box of detected objects and enveloped polygon that is used for avoidance path generation. 0.5 N/A
bus.max_expand_ratio float This value will be applied envelope_buffer_margin according to the distance between the ego and object. 0.0 N/A
bus.th_error_eclipse_long_radius float This value will be applied to judge whether the eclipse error is to large 0.6 N/A
trailer.th_moving_speed float Objects with speed greater than this will be judged as moving ones. 1.0 ≥0.0
trailer.th_moving_time float Objects keep moving longer duration than this will be excluded from avoidance target. 1.0 N/A
trailer.longitudinal_margin float Creates an additional longitudinal gap that will prevent the vehicle from getting to near to the obstacle. 0.0 N/A
lateral_margin.soft_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.3 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.2 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.7 N/A
trailer.envelope_buffer_margin float The buffer between raw boundary box of detected objects and enveloped polygon that is used for avoidance path generation. 0.5 N/A
trailer.max_expand_ratio float This value will be applied envelope_buffer_margin according to the distance between the ego and object. 0.0 N/A
trailer.th_error_eclipse_long_radius float This value will be applied to judge whether the eclipse error is to large 0.6 N/A
unknown.th_moving_speed float Objects with speed greater than this will be judged as moving ones. 1.0 ≥0.0
unknown.th_moving_time float Objects keep moving longer duration than this will be excluded from avoidance target. 1.0 N/A
unknown.longitudinal_margin float Creates an additional longitudinal gap that will prevent the vehicle from getting to near to the obstacle. 0.0 N/A
lateral_margin.soft_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.7 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. -0.2 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. -0.2 N/A
unknown.envelope_buffer_margin float The buffer between raw boundary box of detected objects and enveloped polygon that is used for avoidance path generation. 0.1 N/A
unknown.max_expand_ratio float This value will be applied envelope_buffer_margin according to the distance between the ego and object. 0.0 N/A
unknown.th_error_eclipse_long_radius float This value will be applied to judge whether the eclipse error is to large 0.6 N/A
motorcycle.th_moving_speed float Objects with speed greater than this will be judged as moving ones. 1.0 ≥0.0
motorcycle.th_moving_time float Objects keep moving longer duration than this will be excluded from avoidance target. 1.0 N/A
motorcycle.longitudinal_margin float Creates an additional longitudinal gap that will prevent the vehicle from getting to near to the obstacle. 0.0 N/A
lateral_margin.soft_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.7 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.5 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.5 N/A
motorcycle.envelope_buffer_margin float The buffer between raw boundary box of detected objects and enveloped polygon that is used for avoidance path generation. 0.5 N/A
motorcycle.max_expand_ratio float This value will be applied envelope_buffer_margin according to the distance between the ego and object. 0.0 N/A
motorcycle.th_error_eclipse_long_radius float This value will be applied to judge whether the eclipse error is to large 0.6 N/A
bicycle.th_moving_speed float Objects with speed greater than this will be judged as moving ones. 1.0 ≥0.0
bicycle.th_moving_time float Objects keep moving longer duration than this will be excluded from avoidance target. 1.0 N/A
bicycle.longitudinal_margin float Creates an additional longitudinal gap that will prevent the vehicle from getting to near to the obstacle. 0.0 N/A
lateral_margin.soft_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.7 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.3 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.3 N/A
bicycle.envelope_buffer_margin float The buffer between raw boundary box of detected objects and enveloped polygon that is used for avoidance path generation. 0.5 N/A
bicycle.max_expand_ratio float This value will be applied envelope_buffer_margin according to the distance between the ego and object. 0.0 N/A
bicycle.th_error_eclipse_long_radius float This value will be applied to judge whether the eclipse error is to large 0.6 N/A
pedestrian.th_moving_speed float Objects with speed greater than this will be judged as moving ones. 1.0 ≥0.0
pedestrian.th_moving_time float Objects keep moving longer duration than this will be excluded from avoidance target. 1.0 N/A
pedestrian.longitudinal_margin float Creates an additional longitudinal gap that will prevent the vehicle from getting to near to the obstacle. 0.0 N/A
lateral_margin.soft_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.7 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.5 N/A
lateral_margin.hard_margin_for_parked_vehicle float Lateral distance between ego and avoidance targets. 0.5 N/A
pedestrian.envelope_buffer_margin float The buffer between raw boundary box of detected objects and enveloped polygon that is used for avoidance path generation. 0.5 N/A
pedestrian.max_expand_ratio float This value will be applied envelope_buffer_margin according to the distance between the ego and object. 0.0 N/A
pedestrian.th_error_eclipse_long_radius float This value will be applied to judge whether the eclipse error is to large 0.6 N/A
target_object.lower_distance_for_polygon_expansion float If the distance between the ego and object is less than this, the expand ratio will be zero. 30.0 N/A
target_object.upper_distance_for_polygon_expansion float If the distance between the ego and object is larger than this, the expand ratio will be max_expand_ratio. 100.0 N/A boolean Enable avoidance maneuver for CAR. true N/A
target_type.truck boolean Enable avoidance maneuver for TRUCK. true N/A
target_type.bus boolean Enable avoidance maneuver for BUS. true N/A
target_type.trailer boolean Enable avoidance maneuver for TRAILER. true N/A
target_type.unknown boolean Enable avoidance maneuver for UNKNOWN. true N/A
target_type.bicycle boolean Enable avoidance maneuver for BICYCLE. true N/A
target_type.motorcycle boolean Enable avoidance maneuver for MOTORCYCLE. true N/A
target_type.pedestrian boolean Enable avoidance maneuver for PEDESTRIAN. true N/A
target_filtering.object_check_goal_distance float If the distance between object and goal position is less than this parameter, the module do not return center line. 20.0 N/A
target_filtering.object_check_return_pose_distance float If the distance between object and return position is less than this parameter, the module do not return center line. 20.0 N/A
target_filtering.max_compensation_time float For the compensation of the detection lost. The object is registered once it is observed as an avoidance target. When the detection loses, the timer will start and the object will be un-registered when the time exceeds this limit. 2.0 N/A
detection_area.static boolean If true, the detection area longitudinal range is calculated based on current ego speed. false N/A
detection_area.min_forward_distance float Minimum forward distance to search the avoidance target. 50.0 N/A
detection_area.max_forward_distance float Maximum forward distance to search the avoidance target. 150.0 N/A
detection_area.backward_distance float Backward distance to search the avoidance target. 10.0 N/A
merging_vehicle.th_overhang_distance float Distance threshold to ignore merging/deviating vehicle to/from ego driving lane. The distance represents how the object polygon overlaps ego lane, and it's calculated from polygon overhang point and lane centerline. If the distance is more than this param, the module never avoid the object. (Basically, the ego stops behind of it.) 0.5 N/A
parked_vehicle.th_offset_from_centerline float Vehicles around the center line within this distance will be excluded from avoidance target. 1.0 N/A
parked_vehicle.th_shiftable_ratio float Vehicles around the center line within this distance will be excluded from avoidance target. 0.8 ≥0.0
parked_vehicle.min_road_shoulder_width float Width considered as a road shoulder if the lane does not have a road shoulder target. 0.5 N/A
avoidance_for_ambiguous_vehicle.policy string Ego behavior policy for ambiguous vehicle. true ['auto', 'manual', 'ignore']
avoidance_for_ambiguous_vehicle.closest_distance_to_wait_and_see float Start avoidance maneuver after the distance to ambiguous vehicle is less than this param. 10.0 N/A
condition.th_stopped_time float Never avoid object whose stopped time is less than this param. 3.0 N/A
condition.th_moving_distance float Never avoid object which moves more than this param. 1.0 N/A
traffic_light.front_distance float If the distance between traffic light and vehicle is less than this parameter, this module will ignore it. 100.0 N/A
crosswalk.front_distance float If the front distance between crosswalk and vehicle is less than this parameter, this module will ignore it. 30.0 N/A
crosswalk.behind_distance float If the back distance between crosswalk and vehicle is less than this parameter, this module will ignore it. 30.0 N/A
wait_and_see.target_behaviors array This module doesn't avoid these behaviors vehicle until it gets closer than threshold. ['MERGING', 'DEVIATING'] N/A
wait_and_see.th_closest_distance float Threshold to check whether the ego gets close enough the ambiguous vehicle. 10.0 N/A
intersection.yaw_deviation float Yaw deviation threshold param to judge if the object is not merging or deviating vehicle. 0.349 N/A
condition.th_stopped_time float This module delays avoidance maneuver to see vehicle behavior in freespace. 5.0 N/A boolean Enable safety_check for CAR. true N/A
target_type.truck boolean Enable safety_check for TRUCK. true N/A
target_type.bus boolean Enable safety_check for BUS. true N/A
target_type.trailer boolean Enable safety_check for TRAILER. true N/A
target_type.unknown boolean Enable safety_check for UNKNOWN. false N/A
target_type.bicycle boolean Enable safety_check for BICYCLE. true N/A
target_type.motorcycle boolean Enable safety_check for MOTORCYCLE. true N/A
target_type.pedestrian boolean Enable safety_check for PEDESTRIAN. true N/A
safety_check.enable boolean Enable to use safety check feature. true N/A
safety_check.check_current_lane boolean Check objects on current driving lane. true N/A
safety_check.check_shift_side_lane boolean Check objects on shift side lane. true N/A
safety_check.check_other_side_lane boolean Check objects on other side lane. true N/A
safety_check.check_unavoidable_object boolean Check collision between ego and unavoidable objects. true N/A
safety_check.check_other_object boolean Check collision between ego and non avoidance target objects. true N/A
safety_check.check_all_predicted_path boolean Check all prediction path of safety check target objects. true N/A
safety_check.safety_check_backward_distance float Backward distance to search the dynamic objects. 100.0 N/A
safety_check.hysteresis_factor_expand_rate float Hysteresis factor that be used for chattering prevention. 2.0 N/A
safety_check.hysteresis_factor_safe_count integer Hysteresis count that be used for chattering prevention. 10 N/A
safety_check.collision_check_yaw_diff_threshold float Max yaw difference between ego and object when doing collision check 3.1416 N/A
safety_check.min_velocity float Minimum velocity of the ego vehicle's predicted path. 1.38 N/A
safety_check.max_velocity float Maximum velocity of the ego vehicle's predicted path. 50.0 N/A
safety_check.time_resolution float Time resolution for the ego vehicle's predicted path. 0.5 N/A
safety_check.time_horizon_for_front_object float Time horizon for predicting front objects. 3.0 N/A
safety_check.time_horizon_for_rear_object float Time horizon for predicting rear objects. 10.0 N/A
safety_check.delay_until_departure float Delay until the ego vehicle departs. 1.0 N/A
safety_check.extended_polygon_policy string See along_path ['rectangle', 'along_path']
safety_check.expected_front_deceleration float The front object's maximum deceleration when the front vehicle perform sudden braking. -1.0 N/A
safety_check.expected_rear_deceleration float The rear object's maximum deceleration when the rear vehicle perform sudden braking. -1.0 N/A
safety_check.rear_vehicle_reaction_time float The reaction time of the rear vehicle driver which starts from the driver noticing the sudden braking of the front vehicle until the driver step on the brake. 2.0 N/A
safety_check.rear_vehicle_safety_time_margin float The time buffer for the rear vehicle to come into complete stop when its driver perform sudden braking. 1.0 N/A
safety_check.lateral_distance_max_threshold float The lateral distance threshold that is used to determine whether lateral distance between two object is enough and whether lane change is safe. 2.0 N/A
safety_check.longitudinal_distance_min_threshold float The longitudinal distance threshold that is used to determine whether longitudinal distance between two object is enough and whether lane change is safe. 3.0 N/A
safety_check.longitudinal_velocity_delta_time float The time multiplier that is used to compute the actual gap between vehicle at each predicted points (not RSS distance) 0.0 N/A
lateral.th_avoid_execution float The lateral distance deviation threshold between the current path and suggested avoidance point to execute avoidance. 0.09 N/A
lateral.th_small_shift_length float The shift lines whose lateral offset is less than this will be applied with other ones. 0.101 N/A
lateral.soft_drivable_bound_margin float Keep distance to drivable bound. 0.3 N/A
lateral.hard_drivable_bound_margin float Keep distance to drivable bound. 0.3 N/A
lateral.max_right_shift_length float Maximum shift length for right direction 5.0 N/A
lateral.max_left_shift_length float Maximum shift length for left direction. 5.0 N/A
lateral.max_deviation_from_lane float Use in validation phase to check if the avoidance path is in drivable area. 0.2 N/A
lateral.ratio_for_return_shift_approval float This parameter is added to allow waiting for the return of shift approval until the occlusion behind the avoid target is clear. 0.5 ≥0.0
longitudinal.min_prepare_time float Avoidance shift starts from point ahead of this time x ego speed at least. 1.0 N/A
longitudinal.max_prepare_time float Avoidance shift starts from point ahead of this time x ego speed if possible. 2.0 N/A
longitudinal.min_prepare_distance float Minimum prepare distance. 1.0 N/A
longitudinal.min_slow_down_speed float Minimum slow speed for avoidance prepare section. 1.38 N/A
longitudinal.buf_slow_down_speed float Buffer for controller tracking error. Basically, vehicle always cannot follow velocity profile precisely. Therefore, the module inserts lower speed than target speed that satisfies conditions to avoid object within accel/jerk constraints so that the avoidance path always can be output even if the current speed is a little bit higher than target speed. 0.56 N/A
longitudinal.nominal_avoidance_speed float Nominal avoidance speed. 8.33 N/A
longitudinal.consider_front_overhang boolean Flag to consider vehicle front overhang in shift line generation logic. True N/A
longitudinal.consider_rear_overhang boolean Flag to consider vehicle rear overhang in shift line generation logic. True N/A
goal.enable boolean Insert stop point in order to return original lane before reaching goal. true N/A
goal.buffer float Buffer distance to return original lane before reaching goal. 3.0 N/A
traffic_light.enable boolean Insert stop point in order to return original lane before reaching traffic light. true N/A
traffic_light.buffer float Buffer distance to return original lane before reaching traffic light. 3.0 N/A
stop.max_distance float Maximum stop distance in the situation where avoidance maneuver is not approved or in yield maneuver. 20.0 N/A
stop.stop_buffer float Buffer distance in the situation where avoidance maneuver is not approved or in yield maneuver. 1.0 N/A
yield.enable boolean Flag to enable yield maneuver. true N/A
yield.enable_during_shifting boolean Flag to enable yield maneuver during shifting. false N/A
cancel.enable boolean Flag to enable cancel maneuver. true N/A
force.duration_time float force deactivate duration time 2.0 N/A
policy.make_approval_request string policy for rtc request. select per_shift_line or per_avoidance_maneuver. per_shift_line: request approval for each shift line. per_avoidance_maneuver: request approval for avoidance maneuver (avoid + return). per_shift_line ['per_shift_line', 'per_avoidance_maneuver']
policy.deceleration string policy for vehicle slow down behavior. select best_effort or reliable. best_effort: slow down deceleration & jerk are limited by constraints but there is a possibility that the vehicle can't stop in front of the vehicle. reliable: insert stop or slow down point with ignoring decel/jerk constraints. make it possible to increase chance to avoid but uncomfortable deceleration maybe happen. best_effort ['reliable', 'best_effort']
policy.lateral_margin string policy for voidance lateral margin. select best_effort or reliable. best_effort: output avoidance path with shorten lateral margin when there is no enough longitudinal margin to avoid. reliable: module output avoidance path with safe (rtc cooperate) state only when the vehicle can avoid with expected lateral margin. best_effort ['reliable', 'best_effort']
policy.use_shorten_margin_immediately boolean if true, module doesn't wait deceleration and outputs avoidance path by best effort margin. true N/A
lateral.velocity array Velocity array to decide current lateral accel/jerk limit. [1.0, 1.38, 11.1] N/A
lateral.max_accel_values array Avoidance path gets sharp up to this accel limit when there is not enough distance from ego. [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] N/A
lateral.min_jerk_values array Avoidance path is generated with this jerk when there is enough distance from ego. [0.2, 0.2, 0.2] N/A
lateral.max_jerk_values array Avoidance path gets sharp up to this jerk limit when there is not enough distance from ego. [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] N/A
longitudinal.nominal_deceleration float Nominal deceleration limit. -1.0 N/A
longitudinal.nominal_jerk float Nominal jerk limit. 0.5 N/A
longitudinal.max_deceleration float Max deceleration limit. -1.5 N/A
longitudinal.max_jerk float Max jerk limit. 1.0 N/A
longitudinal.max_acceleration float Maximum acceleration during avoidance. 0.5 N/A
longitudinal.min_velocity_to_limit_max_acceleration float If the ego speed is faster than this param, the module applies acceleration limit max_acceleration. 2.78 N/A
trim.quantize_size float Lateral shift length quantize size. 0.1 N/A
trim.th_similar_grad_1 float Lateral shift length threshold to merge similar gradient shift lines. 0.1 N/A
trim.th_similar_grad_2 float Lateral shift length threshold to merge similar gradient shift lines. 0.2 N/A
trim.th_similar_grad_3 float Lateral shift length threshold to merge similar gradient shift lines. 0.5 N/A
debug.enable_other_objects_marker boolean Publish other objects marker. false N/A
debug.enable_other_objects_info boolean Publish other objects detail information. false N/A
debug.enable_detection_area_marker boolean Publish detection area. false N/A
debug.enable_drivable_bound_marker boolean Publish drivable area boundary. false N/A
debug.enable_safety_check_marker boolean Publish safety check information. false N/A
debug.enable_shift_line_marker boolean Publish shift line information. false N/A
debug.enable_lane_marker boolean Publish lane information. false N/A
debug.enable_misc_marker boolean Publish misc markers. false N/A