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The node subscribes to a specified topic, remaps it, and republishes it. Additionally, it has the capability to continue publishing the last received value if the subscription stops.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
/<topic> <specified message type> Topic to be subscribed, as defined by the topic parameter.
/tf tf2_msgs::msg::TFMessage (Optional) If the topic is /tf, used for transform message relay.
/tf_static tf2_msgs::msg::TFMessage (Optional) If the topic is /tf_static, used for static transforms.


Name Type Description
/<remap_topic> <specified message type> Republished topic after remapping, as defined by the remap_topic parameter.


Variable Type Description
topic string The name of the input topic to subscribe to
remap_topic string The name of the output topic to publish to
topic_type string The type of messages being relayed
qos integer QoS profile to use for subscriptions and publications (default: 1)
transient_local boolean Enables transient local QoS for subscribers (default: false)
best_effort boolean Enables best-effort QoS for subscribers (default: false)
enable_relay_control boolean Allows dynamic relay control via a service (default: true)
srv_name string The service name for relay control when enable_relay_control is true
enable_keep_publishing boolean Keeps publishing the last received topic value when not subscribed (default: false)
update_rate integer The rate (Hz) for publishing the last topic value when enable_keep_publishing is true (optional)
frame_id string Frame ID for transform messages when subscribing to /tf or /tf_static (optional)
child_frame_id string Child frame ID for transform messages when subscribing to /tf or /tf_static (optional)

Assumptions / Known limits#

  • The node assumes that the specified topic and remap_topic are valid and accessible within the ROS 2 environment.
  • If enable_keep_publishing is true, the node continuously republishes the last received value even if no new messages are being received.
  • For /tf and /tf_static, additional parameters like frame_id and child_frame_id are required for selective transformation relays.
  • QoS settings must be carefully chosen to match the requirements of the subscribed and published topics.