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Path Smoothing#


This package contains code to smooth a path or trajectory.


Elastic Band#

More details about the elastic band can be found here.


Name Type Description Default Range
common.output_delta_arc_length float Delta arc length for output trajectory [m]. 0.5 N/A
common.output_backward_traj_length float Backward length for backward trajectory from base_link [m]. 5 N/A
option.enable_warm_start boolean Enable warm start for elastic band optimization. 1 N/A
option.enable_optimization_validation boolean Enable optimization validation. 0 N/A
common.num_points integer Number of points for optimization. 100 N/A
common.delta_arc_length float Delta arc length for optimization [m]. 1 N/A
clearance.num_joint_points integer Number of joint points (joint means connecting fixing and smoothing). 3 N/A
clearance.clearance_for_fix float Maximum optimizing range when applying fixing. 0 N/A
clearance.clearance_for_joint float Maximum optimizing range when applying jointing. 0.1 N/A
clearance.clearance_for_smooth float Maximum optimizing range when applying smoothing. 0.1 N/A
weight.smooth_weight float Weight for smoothing. 1 N/A
weight.lat_error_weight float Weight for lateral error. 0.001 N/A
qp.max_iteration integer Maximum iteration when solving QP. 10000 N/A
qp.eps_abs float Absolute epsilon when solving OSQP. 1e-07 N/A
qp.eps_rel float Relative epsilon when solving OSQP. 1e-07 N/A
validation.max_error float Maximum error for validation [m]. 3 N/A
ego_nearest_dist_threshold float Distance threshold for nearest ego search [m]. 3 N/A
ego_nearest_yaw_threshold float Yaw threshold for nearest ego search [rad]. 1.046 N/A
replan.enable boolean If true, only perform smoothing when the input changes significantly. 1 N/A
replan.max_path_shape_around_ego_lat_dist float Threshold of path shape change around ego [m]. 2 N/A
replan.max_path_shape_forward_lon_dist float Forward point to check lateral distance difference [m]. 100 N/A
replan.max_path_shape_forward_lat_dist float Threshold of path shape change around forward point [m]. 0.2 N/A
replan.max_ego_moving_dist float Threshold of ego's moving distance for replan [m]. 5 N/A
replan.max_goal_moving_dist float Threshold of goal's moving distance for replan [m]. 15 N/A
replan.max_delta_time_sec float Threshold of delta time for replan [second]. 0 N/A