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joy_controller is the package to convert a joy msg to autoware commands (e.g. steering wheel, shift, turn signal, engage) for a vehicle.

Input / Output#

Input topics#

Name Type Description
~/input/joy sensor_msgs::msg::Joy joy controller command
~/input/odometry nav_msgs::msg::Odometry ego vehicle odometry to get twist

Output topics#

Name Type Description
~/output/control_command autoware_auto_control_msgs::msg::AckermannControlCommand lateral and longitudinal control command
~/output/external_control_command tier4_external_api_msgs::msg::ControlCommandStamped lateral and longitudinal control command
~/output/shift tier4_external_api_msgs::msg::GearShiftStamped gear command
~/output/turn_signal tier4_external_api_msgs::msg::TurnSignalStamped turn signal command
~/output/gate_mode tier4_control_msgs::msg::GateMode gate mode (Auto or External)
~/output/heartbeat tier4_external_api_msgs::msg::Heartbeat heartbeat
~/output/vehicle_engage autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs::msg::Engage vehicle engage


Parameter Type Description
joy_type string joy controller type (default: DS4)
update_rate double update rate to publish control commands
accel_ratio double ratio to calculate acceleration (commanded acceleration is ratio * operation)
brake_ratio double ratio to calculate deceleration (commanded acceleration is -ratio * operation)
steer_ratio double ratio to calculate deceleration (commanded steer is ratio * operation)
steering_angle_velocity double steering angle velocity for operation
accel_sensitivity double sensitivity to calculate acceleration for external API (commanded acceleration is pow(operation, 1 / sensitivity))
brake_sensitivity double sensitivity to calculate deceleration for external API (commanded acceleration is pow(operation, 1 / sensitivity))
velocity_gain double ratio to calculate velocity by acceleration
max_forward_velocity double absolute max velocity to go forward
max_backward_velocity double absolute max velocity to go backward
backward_accel_ratio double ratio to calculate deceleration (commanded acceleration is -ratio * operation)

P65 Joystick Key Map#

Action Button
Acceleration R2
Brake L2
Steering Left Stick Left Right
Shift up Cursor Up
Shift down Cursor Down
Shift Drive Cursor Left
Shift Reverse Cursor Right
Turn Signal Left L1
Turn Signal Right R1
Clear Turn Signal A
Gate Mode B
Emergency Stop Select
Clear Emergency Stop Start
Autoware Engage X
Autoware Disengage Y
Vehicle Engage PS
Vehicle Disengage Right Trigger

DS4 Joystick Key Map#

Action Button
Acceleration R2, ×, or Right Stick Up
Brake L2, □, or Right Stick Down
Steering Left Stick Left Right
Shift up Cursor Up
Shift down Cursor Down
Shift Drive Cursor Left
Shift Reverse Cursor Right
Turn Signal Left L1
Turn Signal Right R1
Clear Turn Signal SHARE
Emergency Stop PS
Clear Emergency Stop PS
Autoware Engage
Autoware Disengage
Vehicle Engage
Vehicle Disengage