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Purpose / Use cases#

This module is responsible for managing the different modes of operation for the Autoware system. The possible modes are:

  • Autonomous: the vehicle is fully controlled by the autonomous driving system
  • Local: the vehicle is controlled by a physically connected control system such as a joy stick
  • Remote: the vehicle is controlled by a remote controller
  • Stop: the vehicle is stopped and there is no active control system.

There is also an In Transition state that occurs during each mode transitions. During this state, the transition to the new operator is not yet complete, and the previous operator is still responsible for controlling the system until the transition is complete. Some actions may be restricted during the In Transition state, such as sudden braking or steering. (This is restricted by the vehicle_cmd_gate).


  • Transit mode between Autonomous, Local, Remote and Stop based on the indication command.
  • Check whether the each transition is available (safe or not).
  • Limit some sudden motion control in In Transition mode (this is done with vehicle_cmd_gate feature).
  • Check whether the transition is completed.
  • Transition between the Autonomous, Local, Remote, and Stop modes based on the indicated command.
  • Determine whether each transition is safe to execute.
  • Restrict certain sudden motion controls during the In Transition mode (using the vehicle_cmd_gate feature).
  • Verify that the transition is complete.


Inputs / Outputs / API#


For the mode transition:

  • /system/operation_mode/change_autoware_control [tier4_system_msgs/srv/ChangeAutowareControl]: change operation mode to Autonomous
  • /system/operation_mode/change_operation_mode [tier4_system_msgs/srv/ChangeOperationMode]: change operation mode

For the transition availability/completion check:

  • /control/command/control_cmd [autoware_auto_control_msgs/msg/AckermannControlCommand]: vehicle control signal
  • /localization/kinematic_state [nav_msgs/msg/Odometry]: ego vehicle state
  • /planning/scenario_planning/trajectory [autoware_auto_planning_msgs/msg/Trajectory]: planning trajectory
  • /vehicle/status/control_mode [autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs/msg/ControlModeReport]: vehicle control mode (autonomous/manual)
  • /control/vehicle_cmd_gate/operation_mode [autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/msg/OperationModeState]: the operation mode in the vehicle_cmd_gate. (To be removed)

For the backward compatibility (to be removed):

  • /api/autoware/get/engage [autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs/msg/Engage]
  • /control/current_gate_mode [tier4_control_msgs/msg/GateMode]
  • /control/external_cmd_selector/current_selector_mode [tier4_control_msgs/msg/ExternalCommandSelectorMode]


  • /system/operation_mode/state [autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/msg/OperationModeState]: to inform the current operation mode
  • /control/operation_mode_transition_manager/debug_info [operation_mode_transition_manager/msg/OperationModeTransitionManagerDebug]: detailed information about the operation mode transition
  • /control/gate_mode_cmd [tier4_control_msgs/msg/GateMode]: to change the vehicle_cmd_gate state to use its features (to be removed)
  • /autoware/engage [autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs/msg/Engage]:
  • /control/control_mode_request [autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs/srv/ControlModeCommand]: to change the vehicle control mode (autonomous/manual)
  • /control/external_cmd_selector/select_external_command [tier4_control_msgs/srv/ExternalCommandSelect]:


Name Type Description Default value
transition_timeout double If the state transition is not completed within this time, it is considered a transition failure. 10.0
frequency_hz double running hz 10.0
check_engage_condition double If false, autonomous transition is always available 0.1
nearest_dist_deviation_threshold double distance threshold used to find nearest trajectory point 3.0
nearest_yaw_deviation_threshold double angle threshold used to find nearest trajectory point 1.57

For engage_acceptable_limits related parameters:

Name Type Description Default value
allow_autonomous_in_stopped bool If true, autonomous transition is available when the vehicle is stopped even if other checks fail. true
dist_threshold double the distance between the trajectory and ego vehicle must be within this distance for Autonomous transition. 1.5
yaw_threshold double the yaw angle between trajectory and ego vehicle must be within this threshold for Autonomous transition. 0.524
speed_upper_threshold double the velocity deviation between control command and ego vehicle must be within this threshold for Autonomous transition. 10.0
speed_lower_threshold double the velocity deviation between the control command and ego vehicle must be within this threshold for Autonomous transition. -10.0
acc_threshold double the control command acceleration must be less than this threshold for Autonomous transition. 1.5
lateral_acc_threshold double the control command lateral acceleration must be less than this threshold for Autonomous transition. 1.0
lateral_acc_diff_threshold double the lateral acceleration deviation between the control command must be less than this threshold for Autonomous transition. 0.5

For stable_check related parameters:

Name Type Description Default value
duration double the stable condition must be satisfied for this duration to complete the transition. 0.1
dist_threshold double the distance between the trajectory and ego vehicle must be within this distance to complete Autonomous transition. 1.5
yaw_threshold double the yaw angle between trajectory and ego vehicle must be within this threshold to complete Autonomous transition. 0.262
speed_upper_threshold double the velocity deviation between control command and ego vehicle must be within this threshold to complete Autonomous transition. 2.0
speed_lower_threshold double the velocity deviation between control command and ego vehicle must be within this threshold to complete Autonomous transition. 2.0

Future extensions / Unimplemented parts#

  • Need to remove backward compatibility interfaces.
  • This node should be merged to the vehicle_cmd_gate due to its strong connection.