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ndt_scan_matcher is a package for position estimation using the NDT scan matching method.

There are two main functions in this package:

  • estimate position by scan matching
  • estimate initial position via the ROS service using the Monte Carlo method

One optional function is regularization. Please see the regularization chapter in the back for details. It is disabled by default.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
ekf_pose_with_covariance geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped initial pose
pointcloud_map sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 map pointcloud
points_raw sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 sensor pointcloud
sensing/gnss/pose_with_covariance sensor_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped base position for regularization term

sensing/gnss/pose_with_covariance is required only when regularization is enabled.


Name Type Description
ndt_pose geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped estimated pose
ndt_pose_with_covariance geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped estimated pose with covariance
/diagnostics diagnostic_msgs::msg::DiagnosticArray diagnostics
points_aligned sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 [debug topic] pointcloud aligned by scan matching
points_aligned_no_ground sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 [debug topic] de-grounded pointcloud aligned by scan matching
initial_pose_with_covariance geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped [debug topic] initial pose used in scan matching
exe_time_ms tier4_debug_msgs::msg::Float32Stamped [debug topic] execution time for scan matching [ms]
transform_probability tier4_debug_msgs::msg::Float32Stamped [debug topic] score of scan matching
no_ground_transform_probability tier4_debug_msgs::msg::Float32Stamped [debug topic] score of scan matching based on de-grounded LiDAR scan
iteration_num tier4_debug_msgs::msg::Int32Stamped [debug topic] number of scan matching iterations
initial_to_result_distance tier4_debug_msgs::msg::Float32Stamped [debug topic] distance difference between the initial point and the convergence point [m]
initial_to_result_distance_old tier4_debug_msgs::msg::Float32Stamped [debug topic] distance difference between the older of the two initial points used in linear interpolation and the convergence point [m]
initial_to_result_distance_new tier4_debug_msgs::msg::Float32Stamped [debug topic] distance difference between the newer of the two initial points used in linear interpolation and the convergence point [m]
ndt_marker visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray [debug topic] markers for debugging
monte_carlo_initial_pose_marker visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray [debug topic] particles used in initial position estimation


Name Type Description
ndt_align_srv autoware_localization_srvs::srv::PoseWithCovarianceStamped service to estimate initial pose


Core Parameters#

Name Type Description
base_frame string Vehicle reference frame
input_sensor_points_queue_size int Subscriber queue size
trans_epsilon double The maximum difference between two consecutive transformations in order to consider convergence
step_size double The newton line search maximum step length
resolution double The ND voxel grid resolution [m]
max_iterations int The number of iterations required to calculate alignment
converged_param_type int The type of indicators for scan matching score (0: TP, 1: NVTL)
converged_param_transform_probability double Threshold for deciding whether to trust the estimation result
num_threads int Number of threads used for parallel computing

(TP: Transform Probability, NVTL: Nearest Voxel Transform Probability)



This is a function that adds the regularization term to the NDT optimization problem as follows.

\begin{align} \min_{\mathbf{R},\mathbf{t}} \mathrm{NDT}(\mathbf{R},\mathbf{t}) +\mathrm{scale\ factor}\cdot \left| \mathbf{R}^\top (\mathbf{t_{base}-\mathbf{t}}) \cdot \begin{pmatrix} 1\\ 0\\ 0 \end{pmatrix} \right|^2 \end{align}

, where t_base is base position measured by GNSS or other means. NDT(R,t) stands for the pure NDT cost function. The regularization term shifts the optimal solution to the base position in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle. Only errors along the longitudinal direction with respect to the base position are considered; errors along Z-axis and lateral-axis error are not considered.

Although the regularization term has rotation as a parameter, the gradient and hessian associated with it is not computed to stabilize the optimization. Specifically, the gradients are computed as follows.

\begin{align} &g_x=\nabla_x \mathrm{NDT}(\mathbf{R},\mathbf{t}) + 2 \mathrm{scale\ factor} \cos\theta_z\cdot e_{\mathrm{longitudinal}} \\ &g_y=\nabla_y \mathrm{NDT}(\mathbf{R},\mathbf{t}) + 2 \mathrm{scale\ factor} \sin\theta_z\cdot e_{\mathrm{longitudinal}} \\ &g_z=\nabla_z \mathrm{NDT}(\mathbf{R},\mathbf{t}) \\ &g_\mathbf{R}=\nabla_\mathbf{R} \mathrm{NDT}(\mathbf{R},\mathbf{t}) \end{align}

Regularization is disabled by default. If you wish to use it, please edit the following parameters to enable it.

Where is regularization available#

This feature is effective on feature-less roads where GNSS is available, such as

  • bridges
  • highways
  • farm roads

By remapping the base position topic to something other than GNSS, as described below, it can be valid outside of these.

Using other base position#

Other than GNSS, you can give other global position topics obtained from magnetic markers, visual markers or etc. if they are available in your environment. (Currently Autoware does not provide a node that gives such pose.) To use your topic for regularization, you need to remap the input_regularization_pose_topic with your topic in ndt_scan_matcher.launch.xml. By default, it is remapped with /sensing/gnss/pose_with_covariance.


Since this function determines the base position by linear interpolation from the recently subscribed poses, topics that are published at a low frequency relative to the driving speed cannot be used. Inappropriate linear interpolation may result in bad optimization results.

When using GNSS for base location, the regularization can have negative effects in tunnels, indoors, and near skyscrapers. This is because if the base position is far off from the true value, NDT scan matching may converge to inappropriate optimal position.


Name Type Description
regularization_enabled bool Flag to add regularization term to NDT optimization (FALSE by default)
regularization_scale_factor double Coefficient of the regularization term.

Regularization is disabled by default because GNSS is not always accurate enough to serve the appropriate base position in any scenes.

If the scale_factor is too large, the NDT will be drawn to the base position and scan matching may fail. Conversely, if it is too small, the regularization benefit will be lost.

Note that setting scale_factor to 0 is equivalent to disabling regularization.


The following figures show tested maps.

  • The left is a map with enough features that NDT can successfully localize.
  • The right is a map with so few features that the NDT cannot localize well.

drawing drawing

The following figures show the trajectories estimated on the feature-less map with standard NDT and regularization-enabled NDT, respectively. The color of the trajectory indicates the error (meter) from the reference trajectory, which is computed with the feature-rich map.

  • The left figure shows that the pure NDT causes a longitudinal error in the bridge and is not able to recover.
  • The right figure shows that the regularization suppresses the longitudinal error.

drawing drawing

Dynamic map loading#

Autoware supports dynamic map loading feature for ndt_scan_matcher. Using this feature, NDT dynamically requests for the surrounding pointcloud map to pointcloud_map_loader, and then receive and preprocess the map in an online fashion.

Using the feature, ndt_scan_matcher can theoretically handle any large size maps in terms of memory usage. (Note that it is still possible that there exists a limitation due to other factors, e.g. floating-point error)


Additional interfaces#

Additional inputs#

Name Type Description
input_ekf_odom nav_msgs::msg::Odometry Vehicle localization results (used for map update decision)

Additional outputs#

Name Type Description
debug/loaded_pointcloud_map sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 pointcloud maps used for localization (for debug)

Additional client#

Name Type Description
client_map_loader autoware_map_msgs::srv::GetDifferentialPointCloudMap map loading client


Name Type Description
use_dynamic_map_loading bool Flag to enable dynamic map loading feature for NDT (TRUE by default)
dynamic_map_loading_update_distance double Distance traveled to load new map(s)
dynamic_map_loading_map_radius double Map loading radius for every update
lidar_radius double LiDAR radius used for localization (only used for diagnosis)

Enabling the dynamic map loading feature#

To use dynamic map loading feature for ndt_scan_matcher, you also need to appropriately configure some other settings outside of this node. Follow the next two instructions.

  1. enable dynamic map loading interface in pointcloud_map_loader (by setting enable_differential_load to true in the package)
  2. split the PCD files into grids (recommended size: 20[m] x 20[m])

Note that the dynamic map loading may FAIL if the map is split into two or more large size map (e.g. 1000[m] x 1000[m]). Please provide either of

  • one PCD map file
  • multiple PCD map files divided into small size (~20[m])

Here is a split PCD map for sample-map-rosbag from Autoware tutorial:

PCD files use_dynamic_map_loading enable_differential_load How NDT loads map(s)
single file true true at once (standard)
single file true false does NOT work
single file false true/false at once (standard)
splitted true true dynamically
splitted true false does NOT work
splitted false true/false at once (standard)

Scan matching score based on de-grounded LiDAR scan#


This is a function that using de-grounded LiDAR scan estimate scan matching score.This score can more accurately reflect the current localization performance. related issue.


Name Type Description
estimate_scores_for_degrounded_scan bool Flag for using scan matching score based on de-grounded LiDAR scan (FALSE by default)
z_margin_for_ground_removal double Z-value margin for removal ground points