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This node provides a service to fit a pose height to a map. Use this service as preprocessing for pose_initializer when using a initial poses with inaccurate height such as RViz and GNSS. This service replaces the Z value of the input pose with the lowest point of the map point cloud within a cylinder of XY-radius. If no point is found in this range, returns the input pose without changes.

Note that this package supports partial map loading interface, which is disabled by default. The interface is intended to be enabled when the pointcloud map is too large to handle. By using the interface, the node will request for a partial map around the requested position instead of loading whole map by subscription interface. To use this interface,

  1. Set enable_partial_map_load in this node to true
  2. Set enable_partial_load in pointcloud_map_loader to true



Name Type Description
enable_partial_map_load bool If true, use partial map load interface. If false, use topic subscription interaface. false


Name Type Description
/localization/util/fit_map_height tier4_localization_msgs::srv::PoseWithCovarianceStamped pose fitting service


Name Type Description
/map/pointcloud_map sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 pointcloud map


Name Type Description
/map/get_partial_pointcloud_map autoware_map_msgs::srv::GetPartialPointCloudMap client for requesting partial pointcloud map