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map_loader package#

This package provides the features of loading various maps.



pointcloud_map_loader provides pointcloud maps to the other Autoware nodes in various configurations. Currently, it supports the following two types:

  • Publish raw pointcloud map
  • Publish downsampled pointcloud map
  • Send partial pointcloud map loading via ROS 2 service
  • Send differential pointcloud map loading via ROS 2 service

Publish raw pointcloud map (ROS 2 topic)#

The node publishes the raw pointcloud map loaded from the .pcd file(s).

Publish downsampled pointcloud map (ROS 2 topic)#

The node publishes the downsampled pointcloud map loaded from the .pcd file(s). You can specify the downsample resolution by changing the leaf_size parameter.

Send partial pointcloud map (ROS 2 service)#

Here, we assume that the pointcloud maps are divided into grids.

Given a query from a client node, the node sends a set of pointcloud maps that overlaps with the queried area. Please see the description of GetPartialPointCloudMap.srv for details.

Send differential pointcloud map (ROS 2 service)#

Here, we assume that the pointcloud maps are divided into grids.

Given a query and set of map IDs, the node sends a set of pointcloud maps that overlap with the queried area and are not included in the set of map IDs. Please see the description of GetDifferentialPointCloudMap.srv for details.


Name Type Description Default value
enable_whole_load bool A flag to enable raw pointcloud map publishing true
enable_downsampled_whole_load bool A flag to enable downsampled pointcloud map publishing false
enable_partial_load bool A flag to enable partial pointcloud map server false
enable_differential_load bool A flag to enable differential pointcloud map server false
leaf_size float Downsampling leaf size (only used when enable_downsampled_whole_load is set true) 3.0


  • output/pointcloud_map (sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2) : Raw pointcloud map
  • output/debug/downsampled_pointcloud_map (sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2) : Downsampled pointcloud map
  • service/get_partial_pcd_map (autoware_map_msgs/srv/GetPartialPointCloudMap) : Partial pointcloud map
  • service/get_differential_pcd_map (autoware_map_msgs/srv/GetDifferentialPointCloudMap) : Differential pointcloud map



lanelet2_map_loader loads Lanelet2 file and publishes the map data as autoware_auto_mapping_msgs/HADMapBin message. The node projects lan/lon coordinates into MGRS coordinates.

How to run#

ros2 run map_loader lanelet2_map_loader --ros-args -p lanelet2_map_path:=path/to/map.osm

Published Topics#

  • ~output/lanelet2_map (autoware_auto_mapping_msgs/HADMapBin) : Binary data of loaded Lanelet2 Map



lanelet2_map_visualization visualizes autoware_auto_mapping_msgs/HADMapBin messages into visualization_msgs/MarkerArray.

How to Run#

ros2 run map_loader lanelet2_map_visualization

Subscribed Topics#

  • ~input/lanelet2_map (autoware_auto_mapping_msgs/HADMapBin) : binary data of Lanelet2 Map

Published Topics#

  • ~output/lanelet2_map_marker (visualization_msgs/MarkerArray) : visualization messages for RViz