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Side shift Module#

(For remote control) Shift the path to left or right according to an external instruction.


uml diagram

```plantuml --> @startuml skinparam monochrome true skinparam defaultTextAlignment center skinparam noteTextAlignment left

title path generation

start partition plan { if (lateral_offset_change_request_ == true \n && \n (shifting_status_ == BEFORE_SHIFT \n || \n shifting_status_ == AFTER_SHIFT)) then ( true) partition replace-shift-line { if ( shift line is inserted in the path ) then ( yes) :erase left shift line; else ( no) endif :calcShiftLines; :add new shift lines; :inserted_lateral_offset_ = requested_lateral_offset_ \n inserted_shift_lines_ = new_shift_line; } else( false) endif stop @enduml ```

uml diagram