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Mission Planner#


Mission Planner calculates a route that navigates from the current ego pose to the goal pose following the given check points. The route is made of a sequence of lanes on a static map. Dynamic objects (e.g. pedestrians and other vehicles) and dynamic map information (e.g. road construction which blocks some lanes) are not considered during route planning. Therefore, the output topic is only published when the goal pose or check points are given and will be latched until the new goal pose or check points are given.

The core implementation does not depend on a map format. In current Autoware.universe, only Lanelet2 map format is supported.



Name Type Description
map_frame string The frame name for map
arrival_check_angle_deg double Angle threshold for goal check
arrival_check_distance double Distance threshold for goal check
arrival_check_duration double Duration threshold for goal check
goal_angle_threshold double Max goal pose angle for goal approve


Name Type Description
/planning/routing/clear_route autoware_adapi_v1_msgs::srv::ClearRoute route clear request
/planning/routing/set_route_points autoware_adapi_v1_msgs::srv::SetRoutePoints route request with pose waypoints
/planning/routing/set_route autoware_planning_msgs::srv::SetRoute route request with HAD map format


Name Type Description
input/vector_map autoware_auto_mapping_msgs/HADMapBin vector map of Lanelet2
input/modified_goal geometry_msgs/PoseStamped goal pose for arrival check


Name Type Description
/planning/routing/route_state autoware_adapi_v1_msgs::msg::RouteState route state
/planning/routing/route autoware_planning_msgs/LaneletRoute route
debug/route_marker visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray route marker for debug
debug/goal_footprint visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray goal footprint for debug

Route section#


Route section, whose type is autoware_planning_msgs/LaneletSegment, is a "slice" of a road that bundles lane changeable lanes. Note that the most atomic unit of route is autoware_auto_mapping_msgs/LaneletPrimitive, which has the unique id of a lane in a vector map and its type. Therefore, route message does not contain geometric information about the lane since we did not want to have planning module’s message to have dependency on map data structure.

The ROS message of route section contains following three elements for each route section.

  • preferred_primitive: Preferred lane to follow towards the goal.
  • primitives: All neighbor lanes in the same direction including the preferred lane.

Goal Validation#

The mission planner has control mechanism to validate the given goal pose and create a route. If goal pose angle between goal pose lanelet and goal pose' yaw is greater than goal_angle_threshold parameter, the goal is rejected. Another control mechanism is the creation of a footprint of the goal pose according to the dimensions of the vehicle and checking whether this footprint is within the lanelets. If goal footprint exceeds lanelets, then the goal is rejected.

At the image below, there are sample goal pose validation cases.



Mission Planner#

Two callbacks (goal and check points) are a trigger for route planning. Routing graph, which plans route in Lanelet2, must be created before those callbacks, and this routing graph is created in vector map callback.

plan route is explained in detail in the following section.

uml diagram

Route Planner#

plan route is executed with check points including current ego pose and goal pose.

uml diagram

plan path between each check points firstly calculates closest lanes to start and goal pose. Then routing graph of Lanelet2 plans the shortest path from start and goal pose.

initialize route lanelets initializes route handler, and calculates route_lanelets. route_lanelets, all of which will be registered in route sections, are lanelets next to the lanelets in the planned path, and used when planning lane change. To calculate route_lanelets,

  1. All the neighbor (right and left) lanes for the planned path which is lane-changeable is memorized as route_lanelets.
  2. All the neighbor (right and left) lanes for the planned path which is not lane-changeable is memorized as candidate_lanelets.
  3. If the following and previous lanelets of each candidate_lanelets are route_lanelets, the candidate_lanelet is registered as route_lanelets
    • This is because even though candidate_lanelet (an adjacent lane) is not lane-changeable, we can pass the candidate_lanelet without lane change if the following and previous lanelets of the candidate_lanelet are route_lanelets

get preferred lanelets extracts preferred_primitive from route_lanelets with the route handler.

create route sections extracts primitives from route_lanelets for each route section with the route handler, and creates route sections.


  • Dynamic objects (e.g. pedestrians and other vehicles) and dynamic map information (e.g. road construction which blocks some lanes) are not considered during route planning.
  • Looped route is not supported.