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This node makes it easy to use the localization AD API from RViz. When a initial pose topic is received, call the localization initialize API. This node depends on fitting to map height service.

Interface Local Name Global Name Description
Subscription initialpose /initialpose The pose for localization initialization.
Client fit_map_height /localization/util/fit_map_height To fix initial pose to map height
Client - /api/localization/initialize The localization initialize API.


This node makes it easy to use the routing AD API from RViz. When a goal pose topic is received, reset the waypoints and call the API. When a waypoint pose topic is received, append it to the end of the waypoints to call the API. The clear API is called automatically before setting the route.

Interface Local Name Global Name Description
Subscription ~/input/goal /planning/mission_planning/goal The goal pose of route.
Subscription ~/input/waypoint /planning/mission_planning/checkpoint The waypoint pose of route.
Client - /api/routing/clear_route The route clear API.
Client - /api/routing/set_route_points The route points set API.