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The purpose is to remove point cloud noise such as insects and rain.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

A method of operating scan in chronological order and removing noise based on the rate of change in the distance between points


Inputs / Outputs#

This implementation inherits pointcloud_preprocessor::Filter class, please refer README.


Node Parameters#

This implementation inherits pointcloud_preprocessor::Filter class, please refer README.

Core Parameters#

Name Type Default Value Description
distance_ratio double 1.03
object_length_threshold double 0.1
num_points_threshold int 4
max_rings_num uint_16 128
max_points_num_per_ring size_t 4000 Set this value large enough such that HFoV / resolution < max_points_num_per_ring
publish_excluded_points bool false Flag to publish excluded pointcloud for debugging purpose. Due to performance concerns, please set to false during experiments.

Assumptions / Known limits#

It is a prerequisite to input a scan point cloud in chronological order. In this repository it is defined as blow structure (please refer to PointXYZIRADT).

  • X: x
  • Y: y
  • z: z
  • I: intensity
  • R: ring
  • A :azimuth
  • D: distance
  • T: time_stamp

(Optional) Error detection and handling#

(Optional) Performance characterization#

(Optional) Future extensions / Unimplemented parts#