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The roi_detected_object_fusion is a package to overwrite labels of detected objects with that of Region Of Interests (ROIs) by a 2D object detector.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

In what follows, we describe the algorithm utilized by roi_detected_object_fusion (the meaning of each parameter can be found in the Parameters section):

  1. If the existence_probability of a detected object is greater than the threshold, it is accepted without any further processing and published in output.
  2. The remaining detected objects are projected onto image planes, and if the resulting ROIs overlap with the ones from the 2D detector, they are published as fused objects in output. The Intersection over Union (IoU) is used to determine if there are overlaps between the detections from input and the ROIs from input/rois.

The DetectedObject has three possible shape choices/implementations, where the polygon's vertices for each case are defined as follows:

  • BOUNDING_BOX: The 8 corners of a bounding box.
  • CYLINDER: The circle is approximated by a hexagon.
  • POLYGON: Not implemented yet.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
input autoware_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjects input detected objects
input/camera_info[0-7] sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo camera information to project 3d points onto image planes.
input/rois[0-7] tier4_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjectsWithFeature ROIs from each image.
input/image_raw[0-7] sensor_msgs::msg::Image images for visualization.


Name Type Description
output autoware_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjects detected objects
debug/image_raw[0-7] sensor_msgs::msg::Image images for visualization,
debug/fused_objects autoware_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjects fused detected objects
debug/ignored_objects autoware_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjects not fused detected objects


Core Parameters#

Name Type Description
rois_number int the number of input rois
debug_mode bool If set to true, the node subscribes to the image topic and publishes an image with debug drawings.
passthrough_lower_bound_probability_thresholds vector[double] If the existence_probability of a detected object is greater than the threshold, it is published in output.
trust_distances vector[double] If the distance of a detected object from the origin of frame_id is greater than the threshold, it is published in output.
min_iou_threshold double If the iou between detected objects and rois is greater than min_iou_threshold, the objects are classified as fused.
use_roi_probability float If set to true, the algorithm uses existence_probability of ROIs to match with the that of detected objects.
roi_probability_threshold double If the existence_probability of ROIs is greater than the threshold, matched detected objects are published in output.
can_assign_matrix vector[int] association matrix between rois and detected_objects to check that two rois on images can be match

Assumptions / Known limits#

POLYGON, which is a shape of a detected object, isn't supported yet.