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autoware_external_cmd_selector is the package to publish external_control_cmd, gear_cmd, hazard_lights_cmd, heartbeat and turn_indicators_cmd, according to the current mode, which is remote or local.

The current mode is set via service, remote is remotely operated, local is to use the values calculated by Autoware.

Input / Output#

Input topics#

Name Type Description
/api/external/set/command/local/control TBD Local. Calculated control value.
/api/external/set/command/local/heartbeat TBD Local. Heartbeat.
/api/external/set/command/local/shift TBD Local. Gear shift like drive, rear and etc.
/api/external/set/command/local/turn_signal TBD Local. Turn signal like left turn, right turn and etc.
/api/external/set/command/remote/control TBD Remote. Calculated control value.
/api/external/set/command/remote/heartbeat TBD Remote. Heartbeat.
/api/external/set/command/remote/shift TBD Remote. Gear shift like drive, rear and etc.
/api/external/set/command/remote/turn_signal TBD Remote. Turn signal like left turn, right turn and etc.

Output topics#

Name Type Description
/control/external_cmd_selector/current_selector_mode TBD Current selected mode, remote or local.
/diagnostics diagnostic_msgs::msg::DiagnosticArray Check if node is active or not.
/external/selected/external_control_cmd TBD Pass through control command with current mode.
/external/selected/gear_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::GearCommand Pass through gear command with current mode.
/external/selected/hazard_lights_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::HazardLightsCommand Pass through hazard light with current mode.
/external/selected/heartbeat TBD Pass through heartbeat with current mode.
/external/selected/turn_indicators_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::TurnIndicatorsCommand Pass through turn indicator with current mode.