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vehicle_cmd_gate is the package to get information from emergency handler, planning module, external controller, and send a msg to vehicle.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
~/input/steering autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::SteeringReport steering status
~/input/auto/control_cmd autoware_control_msgs::msg::Control command for lateral and longitudinal velocity from planning module
~/input/auto/turn_indicators_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::TurnIndicatorsCommand turn indicators command from planning module
~/input/auto/hazard_lights_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::HazardLightsCommand hazard lights command from planning module
~/input/auto/gear_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::GearCommand gear command from planning module
~/input/external/control_cmd autoware_control_msgs::msg::Control command for lateral and longitudinal velocity from external
~/input/external/turn_indicators_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::TurnIndicatorsCommand turn indicators command from external
~/input/external/hazard_lights_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::HazardLightsCommand hazard lights command from external
~/input/external/gear_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::GearCommand gear command from external
~/input/external_emergency_stop_heartbeat tier4_external_api_msgs::msg::Heartbeat heartbeat
~/input/gate_mode tier4_control_msgs::msg::GateMode gate mode (AUTO or EXTERNAL)
~/input/emergency/control_cmd autoware_control_msgs::msg::Control command for lateral and longitudinal velocity from emergency handler
~/input/emergency/hazard_lights_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::HazardLightsCommand hazard lights command from emergency handler
~/input/emergency/gear_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::GearCommand gear command from emergency handler
~/input/engage autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::Engage engage signal
~/input/operation_mode autoware_adapi_v1_msgs::msg::OperationModeState operation mode of Autoware


Name Type Description
~/output/vehicle_cmd_emergency tier4_vehicle_msgs::msg::VehicleEmergencyStamped emergency state which was originally in vehicle command
~/output/command/control_cmd autoware_control_msgs::msg::Control command for lateral and longitudinal velocity to vehicle
~/output/command/turn_indicators_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::TurnIndicatorsCommand turn indicators command to vehicle
~/output/command/hazard_lights_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::HazardLightsCommand hazard lights command to vehicle
~/output/command/gear_cmd autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::GearCommand gear command to vehicle
~/output/gate_mode tier4_control_msgs::msg::GateMode gate mode (AUTO or EXTERNAL)
~/output/engage autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::Engage engage signal
~/output/external_emergency tier4_external_api_msgs::msg::Emergency external emergency signal
~/output/operation_mode tier4_system_msgs::msg::OperationMode current operation mode of the vehicle_cmd_gate


Parameter Type Description
update_period double update period
use_emergency_handling bool true when emergency handler is used
check_external_emergency_heartbeat bool true when checking heartbeat for emergency stop
system_emergency_heartbeat_timeout double timeout for system emergency
external_emergency_stop_heartbeat_timeout double timeout for external emergency
filter_activated_count_threshold int threshold for filter activation
filter_activated_velocity_threshold double velocity threshold for filter activation
stop_hold_acceleration double longitudinal acceleration cmd when vehicle should stop
emergency_acceleration double longitudinal acceleration cmd when vehicle stop with emergency
moderate_stop_service_acceleration double longitudinal acceleration cmd when vehicle stop with moderate stop service
nominal.vel_lim double limit of longitudinal velocity (activated in AUTONOMOUS operation mode)
nominal.reference_speed_point velocity point used as a reference when calculate control command limit (activated in AUTONOMOUS operation mode). The size of this array must be equivalent to the size of the limit array.
nominal.lon_acc_lim array of limits of longitudinal acceleration (activated in AUTONOMOUS operation mode)
nominal.lon_jerk_lim array of limits of longitudinal jerk (activated in AUTONOMOUS operation mode)
nominal.lat_acc_lim array of limits of lateral acceleration (activated in AUTONOMOUS operation mode)
nominal.lat_jerk_lim array of limits of lateral jerk (activated in AUTONOMOUS operation mode)
on_transition.vel_lim double limit of longitudinal velocity (activated in TRANSITION operation mode)
on_transition.reference_speed_point velocity point used as a reference when calculate control command limit (activated in TRANSITION operation mode). The size of this array must be equivalent to the size of the limit array.
on_transition.lon_acc_lim array of limits of longitudinal acceleration (activated in TRANSITION operation mode)
on_transition.lon_jerk_lim array of limits of longitudinal jerk (activated in TRANSITION operation mode)
on_transition.lat_acc_lim array of limits of lateral acceleration (activated in TRANSITION operation mode)
on_transition.lat_jerk_lim array of limits of lateral jerk (activated in TRANSITION operation mode)

Filter function#

This module incorporates a limitation filter to the control command right before its published. Primarily for safety, this filter restricts the output range of all control commands published through Autoware.

The limitation values are calculated based on the 1D interpolation of the limitation array parameters. Here is an example for the longitudinal jerk limit.


Notation: this filter is not designed to enhance ride comfort. Its main purpose is to detect and remove abnormal values in the control outputs during the final stages of Autoware. If this filter is frequently active, it implies the control module may need tuning. If you're aiming to smoothen the signal via a low-pass filter or similar techniques, that should be handled in the control module. When the filter is activated, the topic ~/is_filter_activated is published.

Notation 2: If you use vehicles in which the driving force is controlled by the accelerator/brake pedal, the jerk limit, denoting the pedal rate limit, must be sufficiently relaxed at low speeds. Otherwise, quick pedal changes at start/stop will not be possible, resulting in slow starts and creep down on hills. This functionality for starting/stopping was embedded in the source code but was removed because it was complex and could be achieved by parameters.

Assumptions / Known limits#

The parameter check_external_emergency_heartbeat (true by default) enables an emergency stop request from external modules. This feature requires a ~/input/external_emergency_stop_heartbeat topic for health monitoring of the external module, and the vehicle_cmd_gate module will not start without the topic. The check_external_emergency_heartbeat parameter must be false when the "external emergency stop" function is not used.