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The autoware_ground_segmentation is a node that remove the ground points from the input pointcloud.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

Detail description of each ground segmentation algorithm is in the following links.

Filter Name Description Detail
ray_ground_filter A method of removing the ground based on the geometrical relationship between points lined up on radiation link
scan_ground_filter Almost the same method as ray_ground_filter, but with slightly improved performance link
ransac_ground_filter A method of removing the ground by approximating the ground to a plane link

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
~/input/points sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 reference points
~/input/indices pcl_msgs::msg::Indices reference indices


Name Type Description
~/output/points sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 filtered points


Node Parameters#

Name Type Default Value Description
input_frame string " " input frame id
output_frame string " " output frame id
has_static_tf_only bool false flag to listen TF only once
max_queue_size int 5 max queue size of input/output topics
use_indices bool false flag to use pointcloud indices
latched_indices bool false flag to latch pointcloud indices
approximate_sync bool false flag to use approximate sync option

Ground Segmentation#

Name Type Description Default Range
global_slope_max_angle_deg float global_slope_max_angle_deg 10 N/A
local_slope_max_angle_deg float local_slope_max_angle_deg 13 N/A
split_points_distance_tolerance float split_points_distance_tolerance 0.2 N/A
use_virtual_ground_point boolean use_virtual_ground_point 1 N/A
split_height_distance float split_height_distance 0.2 N/A
non_ground_height_threshold float non_ground_height_threshold 0.2 N/A
grid_size_m float grid_size_m 0.1 N/A
grid_mode_switch_radius float grid_mode_switch_radius 20 N/A
gnd_grid_buffer_size integer gnd_grid_buffer_size 4 N/A
detection_range_z_max float detection_range_z_max 2.5 N/A
elevation_grid_mode boolean elevation_grid_mode 1 N/A
low_priority_region_x float low_priority_region_x -20 N/A
center_pcl_shift float center_pcl_shift 0 N/A
radial_divider_angle_deg float radial_divider_angle_deg 1 N/A
use_recheck_ground_cluster boolean use_recheck_ground_cluster 1 N/A
use_lowest_point boolean use_lowest_point 1 N/A
publish_processing_time_detail boolean publish_processing_time_detail 0 N/A

RANSAC Ground Filter#

Name Type Description Default Range
base_frame string base_frame base_link N/A
unit_axis string unit_axis z N/A
max_iterations integer max_iterations 1000 N/A
min_trial integer min_trial 5000 N/A
min_points integer min_points 1000 N/A
outlier_threshold float outlier_threshold 0.01 N/A
plane_slope_threshold float plane_slope_threshold 10.0 N/A
voxel_size_x float voxel_size_x 0.04 N/A
voxel_size_y float voxel_size_y 0.04 N/A
voxel_size_z float voxel_size_z 0.04 N/A
height_threshold float height_threshold 0.01 N/A
debug boolean debug False N/A
publish_processing_time_detail boolean publish_processing_time_detail False N/A

Ray Ground Filter#

Name Type Description Default Range
min_x float min_x -0.01 N/A
max_x float max_x 0.01 N/A
min_y float min_y -0.01 N/A
max_y float max_y 0.01 N/A
use_vehicle_footprint boolean use_vehicle_footprint 0 N/A
general_max_slope float general_max_slope 8 N/A
local_max_slope float local_max_slope 6 N/A
initial_max_slope float initial_max_slope 3 N/A
radial_divider_angle float radial_divider_angle 1 N/A
min_height_threshold float min_height_threshold 0.15 N/A
concentric_divider_distance float concentric_divider_distance 0 N/A
reclass_distance_threshold float reclass_distance_threshold 0.1 N/A
publish_processing_time_detail boolean publish_processing_time_detail 0 N/A

Scan Ground Filter#

Name Type Description Default Range
global_slope_max_angle_deg float global_slope_max_angle_deg 10 N/A
local_slope_max_angle_deg float local_slope_max_angle_deg 13 N/A
split_points_distance_tolerance float split_points_distance_tolerance 0.2 N/A
use_virtual_ground_point boolean use_virtual_ground_point 1 N/A
split_height_distance float split_height_distance 0.2 N/A
non_ground_height_threshold float non_ground_height_threshold 0.2 N/A
grid_size_m float grid_size_m 0.1 N/A
grid_mode_switch_radius float grid_mode_switch_radius 20 N/A
gnd_grid_buffer_size integer gnd_grid_buffer_size 4 N/A
detection_range_z_max float detection_range_z_max 2.5 N/A
elevation_grid_mode boolean elevation_grid_mode 1 N/A
low_priority_region_x float low_priority_region_x -20 N/A
center_pcl_shift float center_pcl_shift 0 N/A
radial_divider_angle_deg float radial_divider_angle_deg 1 N/A
use_recheck_ground_cluster boolean use_recheck_ground_cluster 1 N/A
use_lowest_point boolean use_lowest_point 1 N/A
publish_processing_time_detail boolean publish_processing_time_detail 0 N/A

Assumptions / Known limits#

autoware::pointcloud_preprocessor::Filter is implemented based on pcl_perception [1] because of this issue.
