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The mask_cluster_fusion package aims to assign the label of the mask to the cluster by using the mask information from the 2D instance segmentation model.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

  1. The clusters are projected onto the image plane.
  2. Find the mask which intersects with the cluster with high IoU.
  3. Assign the label of the mask to the cluster.
  4. For all clusters with an assigned label, check if any cluster intersects with the same mask. Reassign the label of the mask to the cluster if its IoU is lower than the previously assigned cluster.


Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
input tier4_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjectsWithFeature clustered pointcloud
input/camera_info[0-7] sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo camera information to project 3d points onto image planes
input/masks[0-7] autoware_internal_perception_msgs::msg::SegmentationMask masks from each image
input/image_raw[0-7] sensor_msgs::msg::Image images for visualization


Name Type Description
output tier4_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjectsWithFeature labeled cluster pointcloud
~/debug/image_raw[0-7] sensor_msgs::msg::Image images for visualization


Name Type Description Default Range
fusion_distance float If the detected object's distance is less than its value, the fusion will be processed. 100 ≥0.0
fusion_ratio float The ratio between the selected cluster points and the total points in the cluster. 0.4 ≥0.0
remove_unknown boolean If this parameter is true, all of objects labeled UNKNOWN will be removed in post-process. 0 N/A

Assumptions / Known limits#