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The autoware_traffic_light_selector Package#


autoware_traffic_light_selector selects the interest traffic light from the list of detected traffic lights by deep learning neural network (DNN) based on the expect ROIs and rough ROIs information and then assign traffic_light_id for them.

Input topics#

Name Type Description
input/detected_rois tier4_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjectsWithFeature detected traffic light by DNN
input/rough_rois tier4_perception_msgs::msg::TrafficLightRoiArray location of traffic lights in image corresponding to the camera info
input/expect_rois tier4_perception_msgs::msg::TrafficLightRoiArray location of traffic lights in image without any offset

Output topics#

Name Type Description
output/traffic_light_rois tier4_perception_msgs::TrafficLightRoiArray detected traffic light of interest

Node parameters#

Name Type Description Default Range
max_iou_threshold float Threshold of generalized IOU for detected traffic light selection -0.5 ≥-1.0