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Autoware Debug Tools#

This package provides tools for debugging Autoware.

Processing Time Visualizer#

This tool visualizes tier4_debug_msgs/msg/ProcessingTimeTree messages.


  1. Run the following command to start the visualizer.

    ros2 run autoware_debug_tools processing_time_visualizer
  2. Select a topic to visualize.


  3. Then, the visualizer will show the processing time tree.


summarized output#

Running with --summarize, it will output the summarized information.

> ros2 run autoware_debug_tools processing_time_visualizer --summarize

objectsCallback: 17.99 [ms], run count: 1
    ├── removeStaleTrafficLightInfo: 0.00 [ms], run count: 1
    ├── updateObjectData: 0.03 [ms], run count: 13
    ├── getCurrentLanelets: 4.81 [ms], run count: 13
    │   ├── checkCloseLaneletCondition: 2.43 [ms], run count: 130
    │   ├── isDuplicated: 0.02 [ms], run count: 17
    │   └── calculateLocalLikelihood: 0.66 [ms], run count: 12
    ├── updateRoadUsersHistory: 0.30 [ms], run count: 13
    └── getPredictedReferencePath: 5.47 [ms], run count: 5
        ├── predictObjectManeuver: 0.40 [ms], run count: 5
        │   └── predictObjectManeuverByLatDiffDistance: 0.34 [ms], run count: 5
        │       └── calcRightLateralOffset: 0.03 [ms], run count: 12
        ├── calculateManeuverProbability: 0.01 [ms], run count: 5
        └── addReferencePaths: 4.66 [ms], run count: 15
            ├── updateFuturePossibleLanelets: 0.08 [ms], run count: 8
            └── convertPathType: 4.29 [ms], run count: 8

System Usage Monitor#

The purpose of the System Usage Monitor is to monitor, visualize and publish the CPU usage and memory usage of the ROS processes. By providing a real-time terminal-based visualization, users can easily confirm the cpu and memory usage as in the picture below.


You can run the program by the following command.

ros2 run autoware_debug_tools system_usage_monitor

System Performance Plotter#

This script plots the following metrics by each Autoware's module.

  • processing time
  • CPU usage
  • memory usage


Run the following commands according to your purpose.

# plot processing time
ros2 run autoware_debug_tools processing_time_plotter <bag-path>

# plot CPU usage
ros2 run autoware_debug_tools cpu_usage_plotter <bag-path>

# plot memory usage
ros2 run autoware_debug_tools memory_usage_plotter <bag-path>

There are several options.

  • -c:
    • can filter modules in the specific component (e.g. all, planning, system, etc).
  • -n <number>:
    • can pick up top <number> critical modules.
  • -g <text>
    • can filter the modules which include <text>.
  • -y <val>
    • can set the height of the plot to <val>.


ros2 run autoware_debug_tools processing_time_plotter <bag-path> -c planning -g behavior_path -y 300


ros2 run autoware_debug_tools cpu_usage_plotter <bag-path> -n 20


Rosout Log Reconstructor#

This script shows the log from the /rosout topic on the terminal.


ros2 run autoware_debug_tools rosout_log_reconstructor


Frequent Log Checker#

This script shows the frequent log from the launch.log. In detail, the log which appears more than the threshold times during the duration will be list down.


ros2 run autoware_debug_tools frequent_log_checker <launch-log-path>

The command has following options.

  • -d: duration to count the number of log
  • -c: threshold of the log count during the duration
  • -f: log format. Several log formats are pre-defined in the script.