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This is a copy of rviz_default_plugins::tools::GoalTool. Used together with the RouteSelectorPanel to set the MRM route. After adding the tool, change the topic name to /rviz/route_selector/mrm/goal from the topic property panel in rviz.


This panel shows the main and mrm route state in the route_selector and the route states in the mission_planner. Additionally, it provides clear and set functions for each main route and mrm route.

Trigger Action
main route clear button call /planning/mission_planning/route_selector/main/clear_route
mrm route clear button call /planning/mission_planning/route_selector/mrm/clear_route
/rviz/route_selector/main/goal topic call /planning/mission_planning/route_selector/main/set_waypoint_route
/rviz/route_selector/mrm/goal topic call /planning/mission_planning/route_selector/mrm/set_waypoint_route