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How to contribute to autoware_lanelet2_map_validator#

Your contribution is welcome to achieve a broad view of validation for lanelet2 maps. This document gives you the instructions on how to add a validator to autoware_lanelet2_map_validator. Please take a look at the Design Concept and follow the Contribution Guide.

Design Concept#

The main goal of autoware_lanelet2_map_validator is to validate whether the lanelet2 map matches the vector map requirements for Autoware. autoware_lanelet2_map_validator achieves this by running a list of small validators. In other words, each vector map requirement will be validated by one or more validators. It is recommended to keep validators small and they don't have to be unique to a specific requirement so that we can broaden the expression of map requirements. (It doesn't mean that a validator should output only one kind of error!)

The list of small validators will be defined as a JSON file (see autoware_requirement_set.json for an example), and the output will also be a JSON file that appends validation results to a copy of the input. See How to use autoware_lanelet2_map_validator for further information about how the input and output are processed.


Please note that the validators are categorized according to the vector map requirements written in the Autoware Documentation. If there are any suggestions for new categories please let the pull request (PR) reviewers know. The available categories as of now are

  • Lane
  • Stop line
  • Intersection
  • Traffic light
  • Crosswalk
  • Area
  • Others

Contribution Guide#

This section is aimed at contributors who want to add their own validators. If you want to change the core process of autoware_lanelet2_map_validator, please open a PR and discuss it with the maintainers.

1. Implement your validator#

autoware_lanelet2_map_validator is based on the Lanelet2 library provided by fzi-forschungszentrum-informatik.

Contributors are encouraged to make their validators by following the class structure shown in validator_template.cpp and validator_template.hpp. may be useful#

You can use the script to generate the required files below.

  • Source codes (cpp and hpp)
  • Test code (cpp)
  • Document file (md)

You can use this by the command like this example: \
--base_directory ./ \
--category_name traffic_light \
--code_name traffic_light_facing \
--class_name TrafficLightFacingValidator \
--validator_name mapping.traffic_light.correct_facing \
--check_function_name check_traffic_light_facing


ros2 run autoware_lanelet2_map_validator \
--base_directory ./ \
--category_name traffic_light \
--code_name traffic_light_facing \
--class_name TrafficLightFacingValidator \
--validator_name mapping.traffic_light.correct_facing \
--check_function_name check_traffic_light_facing

All arguments are required.

  • --base_directory: The directory to the autoware_lanelet2_map_validator package.
  • --category_name: The category (like lanelet, traffic_light...) where your validator belongs to. Look Design Concept to see the list of categories.
  • --code_name: The name for the files. The source code names will be like <code_name>.cpp and <code_name.hpp>
  • --class_name: The base class name of your validator which will be defined in your new header file.
  • --validator_name: The name of the validator which will be displayed when autoware_lanelet2_map_validator is executed with a --print option. The naming rules are explained in Restrictions for validator class implementation.
  • --check_function_name: The main function name of your validator which will be defined in your header file, and its implementation will be written in the cpp source file.

It may be quicker to recognize what this script do by trying the command out. If you feel typing these arguments exhausting, you can overwrite the default value in the python script, but do not forget not to commit those changes.

Restrictions for path structure#

  • The source file (.cpp) must belong to src/validators/\<CATEGORY\>/
  • Avoid source file names that are the same as those in other categories.
  • The header file (.hpp) must belong to src/include/lanelet2_map_validator/validators/\<CATEGORY\>/
  • Currently, there are no naming rules for source and header files, but the pair of source and header files should have the same name.

Restrictions for validator class implementation#

  • Define the name of the validator in the header file (.hpp file).
    • The name must follow the structure aaa.bbb.ccc
      • The first part (aaa) must be either mapping, routing or rule
      • The second part (bbb) should be either general, lane, stop_line, intersection, traffic_light, crosswalk, area, others.
      • The third part can be anything, as long as it is not hard to recognize the validator's feature.
    • The issue code of the validator will be generated from this name. It removes the first part of the name, converts it to upper camel case, and adds a number for classification. (e. g. Bbb.Ccc-001)
  • Write your implementation in the operator() function that outputs an Issues (a.k.a vector\<Issue>) object. Not all of the implementation has to be written in the operator; you can privately define and use functions in your validator class.
  • Since autoware_lanelet2_map_validator outputs issue codes, please add an issue code prefix with square brackets on top of your issue message.
    • You may use the append_issue_code_prefix function to generate the issue code prefix.
    • Even if the validator only detects a single type of issue, please include the number 001 to your issue code.
    • The issue code must correspond to the issue message one-to-one.
  • Currently, there are no rules to decide the severity of the issue. If you're not confident about your severity decisions please discuss them with your PR reviewers.
  • Other coding rules are mentioned in the Autoware Documentation. However, this coding rule doesn't hold if it conflicts with the Lanelet2 library.

2. Write a test code#

Contributors must also provide test codes to ensure your validator is working properly and be able to be tested again when changes occur to the validator in the future.

Restrictions for path structure#

  • The source code (.cpp) must belong to test/src/.
    • The test codes are not categorized because there are few codes, but they might be categorized in the future.
  • The source code name should be test_<ORIGINAL_SOURCE_NAME>.cpp
  • The maps (.osm) for testing must belong to test/data/map/\<CATEGORY\>/
  • The JSON files (.json) for testing must belong to test/data/json/

Restrictions for test code implementation#

  • Tests should be executable by colcon test. It is strongly recommended to use the gtest (googletest) format.
  • If possible, the MapValidationTester class may be useful to inherit common map loading process.
  • The test code must contain the following.
    • A test function that checks whether the validator is available.
    • A test function for each unique issue the validator can detect. It is recommended to create a small lanelet2 map for each unique issue.
      • In this test, please also check that the issue code is emitted as expected.
    • A test function ensuring that no issues occur when validating test/data/map/sample_map.osm. If sample_map.osm violates the validation or doesn't contain the primitive to validate, please fix or add the primitives to it.
  • Add the test code to CMakeLists.txt using the add_validation_test function.
    • Currently, this part must be added to CMakeLists.txt manually. Automation is expected in the future.

3. Test the entire validator#

Please check that the autoware_lanelet2_map_validator works perfectly.

  1. Execute colcon test --packages-select autoware_lanelet2_map_validator --event-handlers console_cohesion+ and confirm that all tests pass.
  2. Execute the following command and confirm that no issues appear.
ros2 run autoware_lanelet2_map_validator autoware_lanelet2_map_validator -p mgrs -m <PATH_TO_sample_map.osm> -i <PATH_TO_autoware_requirement_set.json> -o ./

4. Write a document#

Contributors must provide documentation to explain what the validator can do. The document must explain the following.

  • The validator's name
  • Feature of the validator
  • The source code where the validator is implemented
  • A table of issues that the validator can detect. The following details are required.
    • Issue Code
    • Message
    • Severity
    • Primitive
    • Description of the issue
    • Approach to fix the issue

In addition, add a link of the document to the table Relationship between requirements and validators in the main to let the users know which map requirement your validator relates with.

5. Submit a pull request#

Submit a pull request to the autowarefoundation/autoware_tools repository.