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This is a tool for processing pcd files, and it can perform the following functions:

  • Dividing point clouds
  • Downsampling point clouds
  • Generating metadata to efficiently handle the divided point clouds

Supported Data Format#

Currently, only pcl::PointXYZ and pcl::PointXYZI are supported. Any PCD will be loaded as those two types.

This tool can be used with files that have data fields other than XYZI (e.g., XYZRGB) and files that only contain XYZ.

  • Data fields other than XYZI are ignored during loading.
  • When loading XYZ-only data, the intensity field is assigned 0.


cd <PATH_TO_pilot-auto.*> # OR <PATH_TO_autoware>
cd src/
git clone
cd ..
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --catkin-skip-building-tests --symlink-install --packages-up-to autoware_pointcloud_divider


  • Select directory, process all files found with find $INPUT_DIR -name "*.pcd".

    ros2 launch autoware_pointcloud_divider pointcloud_divider.launch.xml input_pcd_or_dir:=<INPUT_DIR> output_pcd_dir:=<OUTPUT_DIR> prefix:=<PREFIX>
    Name Description
    INPUT_DIR Directory that contains all PCD files
    OUTPUT_DIR Output directory name
    PREFIX Prefix of output PCD file name

INPUT_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR should be specified as absolute paths.

NOTE: The folder OUTPUT_DIR is auto generated. If it already exists, all files within that folder will be deleted before the tool runs. Hence, users should backup the important files in that folder if necessary.


Name Type Description Default Range
use_large_grid boolean Pack small segments to larger folders false N/A
leaf_size float Resolution in meter for downsampling the output segments. Setting to negative to get the raw output PCDs. 0.2 N/A
grid_size_x float The x size in meter of the output segments 20 N/A
grid_size_y float The y size in meter of the output segments 20 N/A
input_pcd_or_dir string The path to the folder containing the input PCD files N/A
output_pcd_dir string The path to the folder containing the output PCD files N/A
prefix string The prefix for the name of the output PCD files N/A
point_type string Type of the point when processing PCD files. Could be point_xyz or point_xyzi point_xyzi N/A

How the point cloud is processed.


How the PCD file is named


Parameter example#

  1. Dividing point clouds without downsampling

    use_large_grid: false
    leaf_size: -1.0 # any negative number
    grid_size_x: 20
    grid_size_y: 20
  2. Dividing and downsampling point clouds

    use_large_grid: false
    leaf_size: 0.2
    grid_size_x: 20
    grid_size_y: 20

Metadata YAML Format#

The metadata file should be named metadata.yaml. It contains the following fields:

  • x_resolution: The resolution along the X-axis.
  • y_resolution: The resolution along the Y-axis.

Additionally, the file contains entries for individual point cloud files (.pcd files) and their corresponding grid coordinates. The key is the file name, and the value is a list containing the X and Y coordinates of the lower-left corner of the grid cell associated with that file. The grid cell's boundaries can be calculated using the x_resolution and y_resolution values.

For example:

x_resolution: 100.0
y_resolution: 150.0
A.pcd: [1200, 2500] # -> 1200 <= x <= 1300, 2500 <= y <= 2650
B.pcd: [1300, 2500] # -> 1300 <= x <= 1400, 2500 <= y <= 2650
C.pcd: [1200, 2650] # -> 1200 <= x <= 1300, 2650 <= y <= 2800
D.pcd: [1400, 2650] # -> 1400 <= x <= 1500, 2650 <= y <= 2800


Parts of files grid_info.hpp, pcd_divider.hpp, and pcd_divider.cpp are copied from MapIV's pointcloud_divider and are under BSD-3-Clauses license. The remaining code are under Apache License 2.0