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This parameter estimation node estimates a default parameters from inputs for steer offset,wheel base and gear ratio.



The following topics are used to estimate the parameters.

  • /sensing/imu/imu_data: used as vehicle angular velocity
  • /vehicle/status/twist: used as vehicle velocity
  • /vehicle/status/steering: used as vehicle steering angle (Only used in Steer Offset Estimator & Wheel Base Estimator)
  • /calibration/vehicle/handle_status: used as vehicle handle angle (Only used in Gear Estimator)
  • /vehicle/engage: used to check the driving operation status


The following topics are the output

  • /vehicle/status/gear_ratio
  • /vehicle/status/steering_offset
  • /vehicle/status/wheel_base

For users, the EstimationResult.msg output contains the following items:

  • result: Estimated result.
  • result_mean: Average value of result.
  • result_stddev: Standard deviation value of the estimated parameter
  • absolute_error: Absolute error of the estimated parameters
  • mean_absolute_error: Mean absolute error of the estimated parameters
  • stddev_absolute_error: Standard Deviation of absolute error of the estimated parameters

These values can be confirmed in plot_juggler#

  • To display in the plot juggler, you need to drag the result into the table, currently plot juggler cannot auto display the value

How to Run Parameter Estimator#

Note: You need to build the Autoware beforehand.

The following command will start the parameter estimation node.

ros2 launch parameter_estimator parameter_estimator.launch.xml vehicle_model:=lexus
  • The following arguments are using to select the estimator, default is true
    • select_gear_ratio_estimator
    • select_steer_offset_estimator
    • select_wheel_base_estimator
  • To deselect the specific estimator, you need to set estimator to false
  • Example, the following command will only launch gear ratio estimator
ros2 launch parameter_estimator parameter_estimator.launch.xml vehicle_model:=lexus select_steer_offset_estimator:=false select_wheel_base_estimator:=false

If you want to launch with Rviz, use the following launch file. Currently unavailable

# Launch parameter Estimator with the Autoware
$ ros2 launch parameter_estimator parameter_estimator_with_simulation.launch.xml map_path:=.../kashiwanoha2/ vehicle_model:=jpntaxi sensor_model:=aip_xx1 rviz:=true

How to check the estimated parameters#

The necessary information is plotted in the plot_juggler, which displays the following information from top to bottom.

  • First row: Estimation results confirmation
  • Second row: error for estimation

You need to adjust the value of (valid_min_) or (valid_max_). according to the standard deviation to determine the validity of the data.

Estimation results confirmation#

Check the estimation results.

  • result : parameter estimated at each step
  • result_mean : Average of the parameters
  • result_stddev : Standard deviation of the estimated parameters

It is preferable to use the _mean for the calibration results.

The parameters estimation starts when enough data is stored. The output value is zero until it is ready.

Error for parameters estimation#

Check the statistics of the errors in the input/output data after the parameter estimation.

  • absolute_error : absolute error of measured and estimated of the parameters estimation
  • mean_absolute_error : Mean of the absolute error calculated in each estimation step
  • stddev_absolute_error : Standard deviation of the absolute error calculated in each estimation step

If these values are large, the model needs to be reconsidered.

Data preprocessing#

Examine the results of processing the input data#

Data that do not satisfy the following conditions are considered invalid and will not be used for estimation.

  • Data variation (evaluated by standard deviation) is smaller than the threshold
  • The car is not in automatic operation mode (judged from Autoware's Engage, Vehicle's Engage, etc.)