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Boot EWAOL via SSD Boot#


You need to use SSD enclosure case to flash yocto image to M.2 SSD directly.

Get yocto image#

  1. Build yocto image with EWAOL by following the instructions Getting started with EWAOL, or Download the image from the website to your host machine;

Flash yocto image#

Remove M.2 SSD from AVA platform and flash yocto image to it directly.

  1. Remove M.2 SSD from AVA platform.

  2. Install M.2 SSD into a M.2 enclosure case.

  3. Plug it into your host machine.

  4. Then, show available block devices.

    sdn           8:208  0 119.2G  0 disk
    ├─sdn1        8:209  0   512M  0 part
    ├─sdn2        8:210  0     1G  0 part /media/foo/7d00c690-db24-462d-8c8d-dce7bdf151d8
    └─sdn3        8:211  0 117.8G  0 part
  5. Flush yocto image to M.2 SSD.

    💬 For example

    sudo dd if=ewaol-image-docker-comhpc-20211022083723.rootfs.wic of=/dev/sdn bs=1M status=progress && sync

Extend rootfs partition#

You have to extend rootfs partition. Follow the instructions Extend rootfs partition

Reinstall SSD#

  1. Remove M.2 SSD from enclosure case and install it into AVA platform, then turn it on.

  2. The following screen comes up, then login as root without password.

    EWAOL (Edge Workload Abstraction and Orchestration Layer) 0.1 comhpc tty1
    comhpc login:

    💬 You are able to access via SSH.