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Run on your local environment#

This page describes how to run the scenario simulator on the developer platform that is set up in the Installation chapter.

Minimum requirements#

  • Developer Platform: TODO
  • In-Vehicle Development Platform 1: TODO
  • Software Tool: TODO
  • Container Image: TODO
  • Data Pipeline: TODO

Run visualization and scenario simulator on the developer platform#

  1. Run Rviz.

    You already cloned Autoware.Auto repository, navigate to the cloned directory.

    1. Launch ADE.

      cd ~/adehome/AutowareAuto
      ade --rc .aderc-amd64-foxy-lgsvl start --update --enter
    2. Launch visualization in ADE.

      source /opt/AutowareAuto/setup.bash
      ros2 launch autoware_auto_launch
  2. Find docker image id.

    docker image ls
    REPOSITORY                                                                            TAG                                                                           IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE   master                                                                        91512aa9e485   3 days ago    176MB      master                                                                        0d9978b7113d   4 days ago    5.74GB
    scenario_simulator                                                                    open_ad_kit-autoware-auto-planning_sim_v2-20211111234534-88ea1196cdc0-2zv2o   d766a256a8c3   11 days ago   5.95GB                   2021.3                                                                        077c172fa5b9   5 weeks ago   379MB

    You can find id such as d766a256a8c3.

  3. Launch scenario simulator.

    Replace /home/foo with your home directory.

    Replace d766a256a8c3 with your docker image id.

    docker run --rm -it --net host -v /home/foo/scenario:/scenario -v /home/foo/cyclonedds:/etc/cyclonedds d766a256a8c3 /bin/bash -c "export CYCLONEDDS_URI=file:///etc/cyclonedds/cyclonedds.xml; export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp; source install/setup.bash; ros2 launch scenario_test_runner sensor_model:=aip_xx1 vehicle_model:=lexus launch_autoware:=false architecture_type:=awf/auto scenario:=/scenario/scenario_e3b743e7-110c-4db6-b136-e5ffd5538315_2.yml"

Now you can see...

DEMO Video


  1. This is optional if you do NOT need a vehicle-edge platform.